The Gate

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  • Author
    • #14479
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      Yesterday, while driving past the field at 7:30 am I saw that our gate was wide open.  I drove into the lot and around the gliders – everything appeared ok.  Are we leaving the gate open for the runway repair?  It seems like a horrible lapse in security to just leave things open.  I am pretty sure that the old fading sign that we have stating that the FBI investigates avionics theft is laughed at by any trespassers.   Since I did not know if the contractor was coming out to do more work I left it open.  “If you see something, say something.”



    • #14484
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln


      The gate might have been left open by Mike Kartowicz while he was working on the runway. Thanks for noticing and letting us know.

      John Lincoln

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