The Dreaded ##-If you want to reply, type it above this line-##

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content The Dreaded ##-If you want to reply, type it above this line-##

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  • Author
    • #13646
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Forum hint for the day.

      We have all seen someone reply to an SSI forum email with a quick comment something like, “Yep, I agree!”. That is pretty darn hard to decipher without knowing what the reply is all about. Don’t shoot the messenger, it isn’t his fault. Its our forum system at work.

      Let’s reconstruct the crime. You happily click on [reply] and make your insightful comments. Before sending it you look carefully at your email and you see both your comments plus underneath that what the previous person’s was saying in the first place. You click on [send] and all that info is received by everyone, right? Wrong!

      Between your comments and the previous person’s original statement you may have noticed a small block of text that looks like this >>> “##-If you want to reply, type it above this line-##”. Unfortunately, this text is sometimes in faint grey text and easily overlooked.

      What that funny line of text is doing is telling our forum system is to DELETE EVERYTHING UNDER IT! Boom, your reply looks like chaff leaving everyone else confused.

      Here is what to do.

      Preemptively DELETE the “##-If you want to reply, type it above this line-##”” stuff. Voila your message, and the previous message, will remain intact.


      – John “Forum” DeRosa

    • #13647
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      Let’s see if this really works.  I deleted the ## text line and then wrote this.  Sending from my Android cellphone.

      Time will tell.

      John F. Phelan
      (S20 Mobile)

    • #13648
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
      Didn’t work. Hmmm. This is my reply to your reply stuff which SHOULD still be visible as I deleted the entire line of the dreaded ## stuff.
      I am using Yahoo to reply. You?
      John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
      West Dundee, Illinois, USA
      “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

      On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 03:22:49 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

      Reply To: The Dreaded

    • #13649
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      Does not seem to be working as expected.  Let’s try using a reply sent from Gmail on a PC.  Here we go.

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <>
      Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 15:28
      Subject: Reply To: The Dreaded ##-If you want to reply, type it above this line-##; By John DeRosa, [Sky Soaring]

      Reply To: The Dreaded

    • #13663
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Gents, I checked with the developer of the software that we are
      using for our Sky Soaring “Reply By Email” forum messages. He
      wrote, “The purpose of the cutoff line is to avoid long email
      chains in the post body. Especially since bbPress already has a
      nested reply option (which RBE respects).”

      If you wish to quote a previous message, you will have to copy and
      past that text into your reply message. See the example below.
      Probably best to paste it at the bottom of your reply message.


      From John Phelan, [General Discussion Forum]

      not seem to be working as expected.  Let’s try using a reply
      sent from Gmail on a PC.  Here we go.


      F. Phelan

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