Student Pilot Ground School presented by WSS

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    • #11531

      Hey ya’ll-

      I will be doing the first part of a student pilot glider ground school for WSS on Saturday, January 22nd (location TBA, possibly Hartford) and would like to invite all interested parties.  My plan is to have several ground schools over Winter to cover topics from the basics for students to more advanced for the veterans.  This first presentation is basic and is intended for new pilots.  It will cover basic aerodynamics, weight and balance, operating limitations, performance, and instrumentation.  I plan to start around 9:30, but final details are still being worked out.  If interested or if you have questions, please RSVP ( so I get a sense of how many to expect.

      Keep the pointy end forward and the yaw string straight.

    • #11539
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      HI Mark,

      That’s great that you will be offering this ground school. Let us know the details once you get the location finalized. Also, consider having it available on zoom. If the location is Hartford, that’s quite a drive for us that live in the Chicago area.


      Don Grillo
      Flight Chairman

    • #11546

      Hey ya’ll-

      I had to move the date of the ground school to Sunday, January 23 because of scheduling issues.  The class will be held at the Waukesha FBO conference room from 9:30 – 12, but I am also going to try to live stream it on Zoom if I can figure that out.  More on that to follow.  While I asked before, please RSVP ( again since I had to change the date.  Please see my original post for details about the topics covered.  Take care.


    • #11560

      Hey ya’ll-

      Here are the final details for the class on Sunday for anyone who is interested.  Take care.
      <div class=””>On Sunday, January 23rd from 9:30 – 12:00, Mark Dunning, CFIG, and the Wisconsin Soaring Society will be hosting a glider pilot ground school.  This is the first part of a multipart course intended for new pilots with little to no experience, but it may also be a good refresher for experienced pilots.  Topics for this presentation are basic aerodynamics, operating limitations, glider performance, and instrumentation.  All are welcome to attend.</div>
      <div class=””></div>
      <div class=””>In person attendance will be at the Waukesha FBO meeting room.  I do not have a Zoom subscription and so have decided to use Skype for the stream.  The meeting link is:  Please be aware that I have never streamed anything before and that there may be some technical issues.  I will do my absolute best to make sure everything works, but there is always a chance it won’t.  Please be patient and forgiving.</div>

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