Sky Soaring

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    • #13317
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      All Sky Soaring Members,

      Last Saturday we had the best safety meeting we have ever experienced. It was also the most important safety meeting we have ever had.

      It was the most important meeting because the Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) created a set of safety policy changes which the Sky Soaring Board of Directors has committed to implement. We believe that these changes are absolutely critical to the successful renewal of our insurance policy which expires on May 20th.

      Following the safety meeting the board spent an additional 7 hours over Saturday and Sunday with the SSF representatives to finalize these changes. These changes which Sky Soaring has committed to make have been sent to Costello Insurance (our insurance broker) and will be forwarded to AIG Insurance (the underwriter) in the near future.

      Here is an overview of the changes approved by the Sky Soaring Board and takes effect today;

      > “SEE Something – SAY Something” – All club members at all levels of experience should immediately report any concerns to the board of directors. The board will acknowledge all concerns and let the membership know of any required corrective procedural changes that are needed.

      > Spring checkout flights is required for all members without exception including instructors.

      > A Ground Safety Officer (GSO) is required during every operation.  The GSO will be a rated glider pilot and will supervise all activities. Any member should report any safety issues immediately to the GSO, CFIG, Board member and/or tow pilot.

      > Every member’s Flight Reviews (FR) hosted at Sky Soaring will now solely use the FAA “WINGS” recurrent training program.

      > An additional mandatory Safety Meeting will be held mid-year to re-enforce our safety culture.

      > Mandatory daily safety briefings will begin each flying day hosted by the GSO or another rated pilot.

      There are other important items which bears repeating that are already part of our operational safety standards:

      > Each member has a status sheet in the “Blue Book”.  Your sheet’s contents is used to determine if you are eligible, and legal, to fly.  Keep your status sheet up to date by working closely with an instructor.  A blank status sheet can be found in the “SSI Files/Docs” area of our web site (“Forms” folder).

      > Each member must review every year the SSF wing runner course, pass the test, and submit a certification of completion. This is to be accomplished before any flying is allowed by that member.

      > Each member must review every year the Sky Soaring Policies and Procedure manual.

      > The tow pilot must be briefed about a given flight as to any non-standard requirements.

      If you have questions as to any of the new changes, or our existing procedures, please approach an instructor, flight chairman, or any other board member, and we will get you an answer.

      Remember, SAFETY FIRST!

      Thank you,
      Sky Soaring Board of Directors

    • #13319
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
      Not covered in above seminar recap, a question:Does it benefit the Club as a whole, if a Patron member carries their own liability insurance, and a damage coverage to club aircraft ? ( often called renter’s insurance). (This is separate from the private ship insurance requirement.)

    • #13325
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hi Denny, great question. It does not benefit the club directly if a member buys his own “aircraft renters insurance”. What it does do is benefit the member that purchases the insurance. In the event of an accident, your renters insurance will cover your liability and hull damage, up to your policy limits, after Sky Soarings insurance. The club could come after you to pay for damage to the aircraft which your insurance would cover. There are a number of companies that offer aircraft renters insurance, fairly inexpensive. AOPA and Avemco are a few.

    • #13327
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      If someone does the research for renters insurance, please share.  Regarding renter’s insurance excluding things:  If you own a share of an airplane as a partner, or if you are in an equity-based flying club, ask if there is a non-owned product that will help you to increase your coverage. Although owners are excluded in most of these policies in capital letters, some carriers will cover partners and club members if their ownership percentage is 20 percent or less. Source:

      Sky soaring is a equity based club since we have a buy in.  That may make renters insurance useless.  We need to carefully see if renters insurance will actually work for our group.

      Again, it is a topic that needs to be studied.




    • #13328
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      If someone does the research for renters insurance, please share. Regarding renter’s insurance excluding things: If you own a share of an airplane as a partner, or if you are in an equity-based flying club, ask if there is a non-owned product that will help you to increase your coverage. Although owners are excluded in most of these policies in capital letters, some carriers will cover partners and club members if their ownership percentage is 20 percent or less. Source:

      Sky soaring is a equity based club since we have a buy in. That may make renters insurance useless. We need to carefully see if renters insurance will actually work for our group.Again, it is a topic that needs to be studied.Regards,Rich

    • #13329
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


      Pilot’s renters insurance (known as “Non-Owners Insurance”) will “work” for Sky Soaring and it has done so in the recent past. This was a policy purchased through Costello Insurance and underwritten by Global Insurance. Not very expensive.
      Going forward all member aviation insurance policies such as a renters policy, and also private ship owners’ mandated policies, needs to include “Sky Soaring Glider Club” as a “Named Party” (I believe that this is the correct term). There is no additional cost to adding Sky Soaring to these policies. At my next renewal I will also do this.
      Thank you.
      John H DeRosa
      President, SSI BOD

      On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 08:11:15 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

    • #13330
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Hello:Thanks for the reply. I do not mind purchasing some extra insurance, I just want it to be there if/when I need it. I can call Costello Monday.Regards,Rich

    • #13333
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      Here is some information from Alan Kosikowski about Non-Owner insurance.

      I saw the emails about some of the SSI members seeking insurance.

      I would suggest they also get a quote from Tracey Martin.  She does my Pipistrel insurance and I found her rates to be competitive with others.  She also does my hangar insurance.

      Fly high.


      Tracey Martin

      Agent, Private Pilot

      Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR)

      P.O. BOX 32 | Frederick, MD  21705

      Ph  301-682-6200 | Fax 301-682-9793  |

      Hi Alan,

      Thank you, I appreciate that!    I have non-owner glider coverages as well as owners.  We are appointed with every market in the US except for Avemco.  This allows me to do a complete shop for my clients from one place.

      I appreciate the referral.   I hope you and your family are doing well!      -Tracey

    • #13338
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Come on out Friday and Saturday. We’ll get the flight instructors there spring checkouts then start with members. We could also do some assembly on Saturday. Weather is looking nice both days. Sunday is Easter and I would guess most will be staying home with family. Next week weather is looking good too. Watch for an email on what days we will be flying.

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