Scenic Rides on Sunday

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    • #14263
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      We have some scenic rides we would like to do on Sunday…Nick is available to tow but we’ll need a commercial pilot and a wing runner. Sunday weather is looking nice. Blue skies and light winds.  If you are able to come out on Sunday, please post.

    • #14264
      Gary PalumboGary Palumbo

      I will be there Don

    • #14265
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      What time are you planning on starting?

      Today we only had 6 flights.  The first flight took off at 12:47 pm.  Nick towed,  John Scott was CFI.  Andrea Scott and David flew with him after the Scenic/Fast flight.  Peter did 2 fights in the 1-34R.  I got 1 flight in on Stars and Stripes (yes, too lazy to take out the PW5 or 1-26).  Last flight landed at 2:47 pm.  It was a nice day.  I was GSO for most of the time.  Only 6 flights on a nice day.  What is going on?  Maybe no lift was part of it?  Shortest flight was 12 minutes and the longest was 26 both by Peter.  Please do not waste good flying days.





    • #14266
      Gary PalumboGary Palumbo

      I can be there on Sunday by 1030-1100 GP

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