Saturday Work 5/11

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Saturday Work 5/11

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  • Author
    • #14796
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Hello Sky Soaring Members. I am looking for a few volunteers to move the remaining trailers out of the east hangar. We might rig the PW-5 as well. The weather looks soarable, SkySight forecasts lift to 6000 agl at 4.7 knots. Cus all day. Wind out of the Northwest at 13 knots and a high temperature of 66 degrees. Let’s finish up the spring chores and get in some flying. BTW last Wednesday turned out to be quit nice, high clouds and good lift is what I heard. John Lincoln

    • #14798
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello Sky Soaring members and Happy Friday. That’s right it’s Friday, and that means it’s a great day to go out and be amongst nature. I’ll be heading out to the field today to enjoy hours and hours on the mower cutting the grass and grooming our landing strip to make it ready for weekend flying. I love the smell of freshly cut grass. If you do too, come on out and join me. If you’re not checked out on the Hustler mower yet, I’ll be glad to give you the short course. See you soon…


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