Saturday August 10th

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Saturday August 10th

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    • #15237
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Good afternoon. It’s probably early but next Saturday 8-10 is looking promising. Sky Sight is forecasting lift at 3.5 knots to 4800 agl. Cu’s with bases at 6000 msl. All this starts at noon and lasts until 5 to 5:30. Winds are NNW at 9 to 10 knots and the high temperature is going to be a comfortable 72 degrees. I’ll keep an eye on the weather and update as needed but at this time I’m planning on coming out and flying. Let’s plan on having an operation and take advantage of this weather if the forecast holds. It’s August and who knows how many good days we’ll have in the rest of this season. John Lincoln

    • #15242
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Tuesday Update for Sat 8/10.  Things have changed and not for the better. Lift is down to 3.1 knots with top of lift at 4000 agl. The cu’s are still there but bases will be lower early but rising as the day progresses. Bases at 4:30 are forecast to be 5750 msl. High temp is still about the same but one degree cooler. Wind is now WNW at 10 to 11 knots. I’m still planning to fly though. John Lincoln

    • #15243
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Just checked SkySight and the forecast for Saturday is back to what it was reported on Monday with the exception of the wind which is now westerly at 11 to 12 knots. At top of thermals it’s 25 to 27 knots. John Lincoln

    • #15245
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Time for my morning report about Saturday. We’re back to last Tuesdays condition except not as high, top of lift at 3600′ agl and cloud base at around 5000′ msl. Surface winds are up to 12 knots out of the west but top of lift winds are down to 18 to 21 knots. Cu’s forecast for the entire day. One more report tomorrow. John Lincoln

    • #15246
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Good Afternoon club members. My last report for Saturday August 10th. Pretty much the same as yesterday with top of thermals at 3800′ agl and Cu’s with bases at 5500′ msl. Lift will be a bit stronger at 3.3 knots. Wind out of the west at 13 knots early and 10 knots late. At top of lift the wind is WNW at 16 to 23 knots. High temperature is 71 degrees. Hope to see you at the field tomorrow. John Lincoln

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