Saturday 8/17 Meeting

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Saturday 8/17 Meeting

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    • #15252
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Folks, Our regular monthly meeting is this coming Saturday at 9:00 am at the field. Flying afterward. There might be some going to Alans Corners for breakfast so watch for posts. Please note that the PW-5 and Krosno are down. See you on Saturday. John Lincoln

    • #15253
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      John, your message came thru OK, using the old SSI website message forum.  It was not blocked nor backlogged, which is good. DB

    • #15260
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Folks, This Saturday is our monthly meeting at the field starting at 9 am. I hope you all can make it. There may be some who go to Alans Corners for breakfast. Look for a post about that.

      The weather for Saturday doesn’t look to promising. Lift at up to 2.7 knots to 2500′ agl. Cu’s with bases up to 2100′ agl. Wind 9 to 12 knots out of the west.

      Note that the Krosno and PW-5 are both down. We’ll be looking at both of them.

      There will be help for those who wish or need it to familiarize themselves with our new messaging system Discord.

      John Lincoln


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