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- This topic has 9 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 11 months ago by
John DeRosa.
Monday, March 20th, 2023 at 12:22 pm #13271
Don Grillo
KeymasterHello Sky Soaring Members,
Here is our agenda for the upcoming Safety Meeting this coming Saturday, March 25th, 0900 hours at the Sky Soaring Hangar. Note that we will have two guest speakers from the Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF), Burt Compton and Ron Ridenour.
Zoom will be available for those that absolutely can not attend in person. WINGS credit will be given to those in attendance and on ZOOM. Video of the meeting will be available sometime after the meeting date.
Art Silverman is working on having a buffet breakfast from 8am – 9am. Please respond to Art if you would like to order breakfast. ($15.00) His email is: arthurttu@aol.com
After the meeting we hope to fly (wx permitting). CFI-G’s will be available to give spring checkout rides. Priority will go to Rated Glider Pilots, then students (time permitting). Possible glider assembly as well.
Buffett breakfast – 0800 – 0900
Meeting – 0900 – 1230- Gary Palumbo – Airspace Surrounding Sky Soaring (20 min)
- Steve Snyder – Transitioning into a new glider (25 min)
- Don Grillo – Glider Aviators Model Code of Conduct (25 min)
BREAK 15 (min) - Geoff Weck (SSA) – Soaring Safety/Operations (20-25 min)
- Burt Compton (SSF) – Soaring Safety/Operations (20-25 min)
- Ron Ridenour (SSF) – Soaring Safety/Operations (20-25 min)
- Meeting start time is 0900 at the Sky Soaring hangar. (8am for breakfast) Expect at least a 3 hour meeting.
- Spring Checkout rides for Rated Pilots, then students time permitting, after meeting (wx permitting)
- Tow Pilots – Don Grillo or Geoff Weck
- CFI-G’s Steve Snyder, Gary Palumbo, Don or Geoff
1200 – 1600 Spring Checkout Flights, Glider Assembly.
Sunday: 1000 – 1600 Flying, (wx permitting), glider assembly.
Don Grillo
Flight Committee Chair
Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 at 8:28 am #13282
Don Grillo
KeymasterSky Soaring Members,
As a reminder, all members are required to review and complete the online Wing Runner course every year prior to flying. Print your completion certificate and bring it with you to place in your personnel folder. Tow Pilots are required to complete the Tow Pilots Course as well. Here are the links to both the Wing Runner Course and Tow Pilot Course.Wing Runner:
http://www.soaringsafety.org/learning/wingrunner/wingrunner.htmlTow Pilot:
http://www.soaringsafety.org/learning/towpilot/towpilot.htmlDon Grillo
Flight Comm. Chair -
Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 at 9:06 am #13285
Joseph Ricciardi
Please send us the ZAoom link; will try our best t o participate from the road!
Joe and Vince Ricciardi
—–Original Message—–
From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
To: ual147870@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Mar 20, 2023 12:22 pm
Subject: Safety Meeting, By Don Grillo, [Sky Soaring] -
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 at 8:10 pm #13297
Dennis Burke
ParticipantIs there any help needed at the Hanger for setting up any hardware to host the ZOOM portion of the 3-25-23 club safety meeting?
If so, is help required on Thurs or Friday beforehand?
Thursday, March 23rd, 2023 at 4:01 pm #13309
Steven Snyder
Dues can be paid at the safety meeting. Also, flight coupons will be available. $300 value for $270.00
From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 9:07 AM
To: Smsrsnyder@comcast.net
Subject: Reply To: Safety Meeting; By Joseph Ricciardi, [Sky Soaring] -
Friday, March 24th, 2023 at 9:03 am #13310
Don Grillo
• SSF Wing Runner and Tow Pilot Course Completion Certificates should be placed in your office folder after the meeting.
• Member responsibility for Blue Book entries for Wing Runner, Tow Pilot courses and Spring Checkout flights. Get CFI-G help with those entries.
• WINGS credit will be given to those in attendance and those that attend via online
zoom. faasafety.gov email address needed for WINGS credit.SPEAKERS;
1. Gary Palumbo – Airspace Surrounding Sky Soaring (20 min)
2. Steve Snyder – Transitioning into a new glider (25min)
3. Don Grillo – Glider Aviators Model Code of Conduct (25 min)
4. John Baker – WINGS Credit (5 min)
5. BREAK 15 (min)
6. Geoff Weck (SSA) – Soaring Safety/Operations (20-25 min)
7. Burt Compton (SSF) – Soaring Safety/Operations (20-25 min)
8. Ron Ridenour (SSF) – Soaring Safety/Operations (20-25 min)• Breakfast – 0800 – 0855 hours ($15 to Art S.)
• Meeting Start time is 0900 hours at the Sky Soaring hangar. Expect at least a 3 hour
meeting. Dress Warm.
• Spring Glider Check out rides for Rated Pilots, then students time permitting, after
meeting (wx permitting)
• Tow Pilots Available – Don Grillo, Geoff Weck,
CFI-G’s Steve Snyder, Gary Palumbo, Don or GeoffJoin Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86003247341?pwd=RE9tdy9idWI5YjhmbCtUL2tiRzRqUT09Meeting ID: 860 0324 7341
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+1 719 359 4580 USMeeting ID: 860 0324 7341
Passcode: 855535Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kBHScTfLo
Friday, March 24th, 2023 at 5:11 pm #13311
John DeRosa
ParticipantREMINDER – There will be a raffle for a Soaring Society of America logo “soft shell” jacket at the SSI Safety Meeting.
Perfect for spring time. But you must attend the meeting in person to be eligible to win!
See you tomorrow.
Friday, March 24th, 2023 at 6:23 pm #13312
John DeRosa
Participant<div class=”bbp-reply-content”>
REMINDER – There will be a raffle for a Soaring Society of America logo “soft shell” jacket at the SSI Safety Meeting.
Perfect for spring time. But you must attend the meeting in person to be eligible to win!
See you tomorrow.
Sunday, March 26th, 2023 at 11:20 am #13315
Steven Snyder
ParticipantWell, it’s been a few hours since our Spring Safety Meeting has passed. What a great day and event. More details will be forthcoming but to sum it all up, there were 36 members in attendance with 28 in person, 8 on line and 2 guests. If you were not able to attend, the recorded presentation will be available shortly.
Everyone who did attend has received WINGS credit thanks to John Baker. If you did not receive credit (be sure to check your WINGS logbook) you either listed the incorrect email address or you do not have a WINGS account.
So, what to do if you do not have an account you ask?
- Go to https://www.faasafety.gov/
- Click on Create an Account. (Upper Right of page)
- Enter your email twice.
- Check yes or no if you have a current Airman Certificate.
- Complete the following page.
Once you have the account you should receive credit for the seminar provided you use the same email that you gave to SSI when you joined.
Any questions let me know.
From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2023 6:27 PM
To: Smsrsnyder@comcast.net
Subject: Reply To: Safety Meeting; By John DeRosa, [Sky Soaring] -
Wednesday, March 29th, 2023 at 9:11 pm #13316
John DeRosa
ParticipantIf you were not able to attend last Saturday’s mandatory safety meeting (in person or via Zoom) you can now see the recording at https://youtu.be/aL0tGJz0mes. Many thanks to Lawrence <span class=”u_b en_0 c1AVi73_6FsP c1AVi7H_6LEV C4_Z29WjXl” data-test-id=”message-from”><span class=”D_F rtlI_dz_sSg” data-test-id=”email-pill”>Nicolae </span></span>for recording our safety meeting.
Once you have completed watching the safety meeting please confirm this with Jim Hopkins and note this on your “Blue Book” form.
Thank you, John DeRosa
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