Runway check

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  • Author
    • #14485
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Sometime in SSI’s past the runway grass was either planted or replanted with a grass seed roll or mat. These rolls or mats were fixed to the ground with steel staples. Those staples weren’t a problem in the past when we flew off the runway because they were buried. With the regrading some of those staples have been uprooted and some now lay on top of or stick out of the ground and pose a hazard to the tow plane and gliders. I am asking for a few volunteers to meet me on Saturday the 11th at 11:00 to walk the entire regraded runway to look for and remove any staples that we find. The weather right now looks OK for this. Temperature 41 to 44, wind 2 to 3 knots out of the west and high level clouds. No rain at this time. Can I get a little help? John Lincoln

    • #14486
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      John L.

      I will be out of town on Saturday so I won’t be able to help with the staples. There is a metal detector in the radio room hanging up on the wall next to the radios. I don’t know if it works, it may need batteries of some sort. Just an FYI. Thanks for taking on that task and I hope you get some volunteers.

      — Don
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