Recap of Instructors Meeting.

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    • #13713
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      For those of you that were not on the zoom call, we discussed;

      Condor Flight Simulator;

      Using Condor for initial student familiarization of glider flight
      in all regimes of flight. The SSA is offering a $2500 grant for
      purchasing the proper equipment to setup a simulator.

      More discussion about using Condor and finding 2 instructors that
      would head up the program will be discussed. There will be a full
      Condor setup at Oshkosh at the SSA booth to try out.


      Discussion about holding a Pre and Post briefing with students.
      Using Bob Wanders lesson plans, have a short lesson briefing with
      the student prior to flying that lesson. Then go fly. Have a
      debreif after the flight to discuss how the flight went.

      Introduce the PTS to students prior to solo and combine PTS
      standards into Bob Wanders lessons.

      John D. will print out copies of the Private Pilot PTS and will be
      available in the office. Also available as a pdf on

      Next Meeting;

      For next months meeting, please select a maneuver you would like
      to discuss. How to properly teach and execute the maneuver. What
      is the glider doing when you do the maneuver ie. overbanking
      tendency etc.

      Send your suggestions to Geoff and Don, or reply here.

    • #13740
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      All Instructors,Thanks for attending at these meetings and working together to coordinate our instructing.Many hanks also to Don and Geoff for leading this effort.

      Two comments;
      FAA Private Glider PTS – I did make 10 copies of the PTS. They are located next to the copies of the Glider Flying Handbook, FAST, Wander books, etc. There is a cost for any of these items which is listed on a nearby sheet.
      Bob Wander Progress Records – We also talked last night about needing to use of the “Progress Record” check lists in the back of the Wander book that we are using as a syllabus. There is a Student Pilot version and Instructor version of the list.
      The idea is to use these lists is to enable any instructor to coordinate instruction with any student. After a quick review of the student’s progress in the Progress Record the next flight can build on their skills and may help the student make faster progress.
      It would be optimal for the student to return to the field with their personal copy of the Wander book for the instructor to review. But we all know that this may not happen. So we agreed last night to create a “Green Book” to hold a Progress Record form (Instructor version) for each student. A sample form is attached. The “Green Book” is stored next to the “Blue Book” in the flight box.
      Thanks again,
      John H DeRosa

      On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 09:27:33 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

      New topic posted by Don Grillo. Recap of Instructors Meeting., In Flight Instructors forum.

      For those of you that were not on the zoom call, we discussed;

      Condor Flight Simulator;

      Using Condor for initial student familiarization of glider flight
      in all regimes of flight. The SSA is offering a $2500 grant for
      purchasing the proper equipment to setup a simulator.

      More discussion about using Condor and finding 2 instructors that
      would head up the program will be discussed. There will be a full
      Condor setup at Oshkosh at the SSA booth to try out.


      Discussion about holding a Pre and Post briefing with students.
      Using Bob Wanders lesson plans, have a short lesson briefing with
      the student prior to flying that lesson. Then go fly. Have a
      debreif after the flight to discuss how the flight went.

      Introduce the PTS to students prior to solo and combine PTS
      standards into Bob Wanders lessons.

      John D. will print out copies of the Private Pilot PTS and will be
      available in the office. Also available as a pdf on

      Next Meeting;

      For next months meeting, please select a maneuver you would like
      to discuss. How to properly teach and execute the maneuver. What
      is the glider doing when you do the maneuver ie. overbanking
      tendency etc.

      Send your suggestions to Geoff and Don, or reply here.


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