Tow pilots, the Pawnee break in period is complete and Gary has changed the oil to our regular Aeroshell W100. Please keep the oil level at 7 quarts, any more and it gets blown out the breather. Minimum oil level is 6 quarts.
Also, we will be ordering another fuel load soon with the price being over $6.00 per gallon. All of must be aware of our fuel usage. Some things to consider are: ground idle time. If the pilot and glider are not ready, consider shutting down until they are ready to go. Do not start up until ready to take up slack.
Consider timing your tows. A 3000 foot tow should take no more than 9 minutes. A 2000 foot tow 7 minutes. Time your decents to reach those times.
Whatever else you can do to conserve fuel, please, pass your ideas along