OGN Computer Needed

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    • #13158
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      The Sky Soaring Open Glider Network (OGN) receiver is up and operational.  We have the equipment for another receiver in Beloit WI to be installed in the spring to enlarge our coverage.  Windy City has their receiver up and is planning on another installation near Rochelle.  This should provide real-time coverage over our typical cross country area to the north, south and west.


      OGN will allow us to track suitable equipped aircraft that have FLARM, ADS-B or (inexpensive) OGN transmitters.  You can monitor OGN traffic – mostly this time of year in Europe, South America, and southern Africa – at  live.glidernet.org, http://www.gliderradar.com and other sites. <cite class=”iUh30 tjvcx” role=”text”></cite>You can learn more about OGN by watching the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RITXaCFxGM or the presentation at http://aviation.derosaweb.net/presentations/#ogn.


      I am looking for a used desktop computer, and hopefully a monitor, to put in the SE corner of the hangar so that everyone can see our ships at a glance.  We do have one OGN transmitter at this time which might go into either the tow plane or the Krosno.  OGN transmitters are about $50 apiece so if anyone is interested in donating the cost to the club to add others to other gliders like the PW-5.


      My ultimate goal is to help during operations for us to see where our gliders (club and privately owned) are plus our tow plane – not to mention gliders from other clubs.  This is partially for safety, partially to keep track of our ships while flying nearby, AND to give everyone a bird’s eye view of how our cross country pilots are doing in an effort to spur interest in longer flying distances.


      Thanks, John “OGN” DeRosa





    • #13159
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Hello:I do not have a computer to donate but I am willing to purchase a Blink camera and controller so that we can augment our Foscam camera system that is almost impossible to view on a cellphone. Having 1 or 2 extra cameras that show “ops or no ops” and adding easy to view security video is beneficial to the club. Any comments/thoughts? Regards,Rich

    • #13160
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Aye, The present Foscam app does Not work for my android cellphone, Rich.  

      Maybe the Foscam app for the iPhone family of users works great….? 

    • #13161
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      Can the transmitter be moved from glider to glider like a hand held radio or is it mounted?

      Steve Snyder. Sent from my mobile

    • #13162
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      No, the Foscam is not friendly with iPhones either.  All we need is 1 camera that shows an overview so we know at a glance that there is an op and/or if someone is at the glider side of the field.  The camera and the OGN output together may be the answer see if there are ops and what kind of flights are occurring (cross country or just local training flights).  I also would like for one of our seasoned soaring pilots to offer tips to me for soaring a bit further away than I have been used to.




    • #13163
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      Rich and Denny. The cameras are currently out of service. Hopefully back up soon.

      Steve Snyder. Sent from my mobile

    • #13166
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


      My plan is to semi-permanently mount the small unit with velcro somewhere in the glider with a direct connection to ship’s power.

      The OGN transmitter auto-powers up once the master switch is turned on so no pilot interaction would be needed. Simple.
      So I think that after some trial runs in the spring we might decide to buy one or more units and install them in appropriate gliders.
      John H DeRosa
      Inline image

      On Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 03:20:10 PM CST, SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com> wrote:

    • #13167
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      John. I buy one so I can take it to Caesar Creek. They have the system installed there also.


      From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
      Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2023 5:39 PM
      To: Smsrsnyder@comcast.net
      Subject: Reply To: OGN Computer Needed; By John DeRosa, [Sky Soaring]

    • #13168
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      Hello. I have MB with AMD FX processor, with either 16 or 32 MB memory (not sure). I have HDD, graphic card and power supply too. Also have legal installation disk with Windows 7. Only need chassis, monitor, keyboard, mouse.

      From: SSI [mailto:webmaster@skysoaring.com]
      Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2023 12:48 PM
      To: petrfolw@comcast.net
      Subject: OGN Computer Needed, By John DeRosa, [Sky Soaring]

    • #13169
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
      One caveat, ….the LilyGo TTgo T-beam module for OGN transmission, (as shown in picture), will not power directly from the 12 volt buss in SSI gliders.A small power “buck-converter” circuit module will also be needed, to bring 12 volts down to about 5 volt to feed into the OGN module…(it has a USB port accepting 5 volts)

    • #13170
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      You can buy self-contained buck converters on-line for $12. 


      One caveat, ….the LilyGo TTgo T-beam module for OGN transmission, (as shown in picture), will not power directly from the 12 volt buss in SSI gliders.A small power “buck-converter” circuit module will also be needed, to bring 12 volts down to about 5 volt to feed into the OGN module…(it has a USB port accepting 5 volts)

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
      Sent: Sunday, February 5, 2023 19:12
      To: phelanjf@gmail.com
      Subject: Reply To: OGN Computer Needed; By Dennis Burke, [Sky Soaring]

    • #13171
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Some followup comments on putting these OGN transmitters in our aircrafts.

      Correct that you must use a voltage converter to go from our 12Vdc battery “bus” (not “buss”) to supply USB level 5Vdc power to the OGN transmitter.The Amazon link for a converter that John P sent earlier was for a USB-C connection. I’d sure like USB-C better but we are stuck with the micro-USB connector on the OGN transmitter. Use this Amazon link instead for a converter https://a.co/d/cb5MLvW.

      Best Regards,
      John H DeRosa

    • #13172
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      John, do you anticipate the club gliders using the converter? If not, should we have a multi place charger?

      Steve Snyder. Sent from my mobile

    • #13173
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      DeRosa would have a better answer but I don’t think there is anything to charge on the OGN boards.  They need aircraft power to run.  I don’t see any battery on the board in the photo that DeRosa sent out.

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
      Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 9:57
      To: phelanjf@gmail.com
      Subject: Reply To: OGN Computer Needed; By Steven Snyder, [Sky Soaring]

    • #13174
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
      The OGN boards DO have a battery on board, bu can’t see it, its mounted on backside in a holder because its a Tubular Lith ion (looks like a Big AA)  with about 3400 to 3700 milliamphour capacity.  It can be recharged thru the onboard USB port.So to unit is somewhat stand-alone.

    • #13175
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      OK.  So how do we turn it on/off when it is in a glider?  DeRosa indicated it will power up with the master switch in the glider but this seems to contradict that.

      What am I missing?

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
      Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 14:09
      To: phelanjf@gmail.com
      Subject: Reply To: OGN Computer Needed; By Dennis Burke, [Sky Soaring]

    • #13176
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      John P,

      No action on the part of the pilot is needed.
      The OGN receiver auto powers up as soon as ship’s power is applied.
      After ship’s power is removed the OGN receiver will turn off – something I remember learning in EE101 college class. If there is a battery installed (not required) the unit will run for a while before dying which also turns the unit off. Thus the universe returns to equilibrium.
      Sound about right?
      John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
      West Dundee, Illinois, USA
      “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein

      On Monday, February 6, 2023 at 03:25:12 PM CST, SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com> wrote:

      Reply To: OGN Computer Needed From John Phelan, [General Discussion Forum]

      OK. So how do we turn it on/off when it is in a glider? DeRosa indicated it will power up with the master switch in the glider but this seems to contradict that.

      What am I missing?

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI
      Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 14:09
      To: phelanjf@gmail.com
      Subject: Reply To: OGN Computer Needed; By Dennis Burke, [Sky Soaring]

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    • #13177
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Steve – Any aircraft having an OGN transmitter installed will need a 12Vdc to micro-USB converter to run off the ship’s main battery power system just like all other non-mechanical avionics such as a radio, audio vario, etc.

      Best Regards,
      John H DeRosa

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