Maybe a final flight Saturday Oct 28

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    • #14347
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      It was good to hear about flying on Sunday Oct. 22. The long range forecast doesn’t look to promising but next Saturday may be flyable. I would like to see what develops as far as the weather and hope we might get one more day in. Any interest? John Lincoln

    • #14357
      Art SilvermanArt Silverman
      I’d also like to get one more day in. If the weather is nice, maybe we can bring in Pizza for lunch.

      On Monday, October 23, 2023 at 12:45:47 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

    • #14361
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      My first look at SkySight looks nice for Saturday. Sunny, lift up to 1600′ agl at up to 2.5 knots. Wind is northerly at 3 to 8 knots. The high temperature is forecast to be 51. Sounds a lot like last Sunday. Maybe DJ and Trigg could or would like to get in one more solo if the pattern holds up. I’ll keep an eye on SkySight and report. John Lincoln

    • #14370
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Today’s brief. Saturday still looks flyable but no longer sunny. A high layer of clouds are now forecast along with a lower high temperature of 47 degrees. Winds are now north-northeasterly to northeast at 5 to 9 knots. lift is still forecast but now only up to 2.1 knots. I’ll follow the forecast and continue to report. John Lincoln

    • #14383
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Thursday’s brief. Pretty much the same as yesterdays forecast except now mostly sunny until around 1 pm. Lift is also back up to 2.5 to 1,790′ agl. Still an ok day if it’s our last. I’ll send one more report tomorrow. John Lincoln

    • #14387
      John ScottJohn Scott

      John M. Scott


    • #14388
      Art SilvermanArt Silverman
      I was hoping for a little more enthusiasm….. This will be the last day to fly before (I was told) they start leveling the runway. Let’s start a new tradition and on the last day of the year we fly every club ship- maybe more than once. John Scott and I will be at the field. Who else wants to fly? What ship do you want to fly?

      On Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 07:43:35 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

    • #14389
      I will be there.
      I will take the PW-5
    • #14390
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      I signed up for the Krozno at 1 pm on bookourplane.

      — Don
    • #14391
      John ScottJohn Scott

      Sorry, John Scott will still be in Florida. Wish I could make it. The photo was to inspire others to come out and fly.

      John M. Scott

    • #14392
      Nicholas LegenzaNicholas Legenza

      I will not be available to tow this weekend. I’ll be crankin some hogs:)

      Sent from my iPhone

    • #14393
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      After flying and before you leave on Saturday I would like help to disassemble the PW-5 and put it in its trailer and get the wing stands and fuselage cradles down from the attic.

      November is the month that we disassemble the gliders and it’s good to get a head start on nice days. Watch for messages in the coming weeks seeking help on disassembly. Like last year, we will store all the club gliders in the club hangar.

      — Don Grillo
    • #14394
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      The final brief. Same as yesterday except that the sunny skies depart at noon to 12:30 and the wind is now northeast 6 to 9 knots. Looks like we will need a tow pilot. I’ll be out around 11. And isn’t it wonderful to see that photo of John Scott and his bride with his 1960’s vintage (and modified) LK-10A. Oh yes I guess there is an old Oldsmobile Bonneville in that shot too!!! John Lincoln

    • #14396
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Hello:I can fly, wing run and GSO if necessary. Regards,


    • #14397
      Daniel SpencerDaniel Spencer

      I’ll be there at 9am to open up and get things started for the day.

    • #14399
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      Others may also write some news about today but here are the highlights:

      15 flights, Petr had a 2 hr, 29 minute flight.  Daniel “The No Radio DJ” had 3 flights in the seasonally appropriate “Pumpkin”. Towing by Mr. Grillo and Mr. Weck.  CFI work by Grillo and Weck.

      As Uncle Rich was flying with Uncle Petr’s family member/guest we discovered an unauthorized 3rd passenger in the cockpit.  After peaceful negotiations failed for the 3rd passenger to sit and enjoy the flight with the unauthorized passenger becoming belligerent it was neutralized in flight.  (Note to all:  check for wasps nesting in the gliders.)

      Pilots today were Daniel Spencer, Petr, Lawrence, Kees, Rich, Dave Winters, Art, John Lincoln, Brad and Don Grillo.  John Lincoln had a 1 hour 10 minute flight.  GSOs were Art, Rich, and John O.  Mark R. and Maria handled flight log duties.

      If anyone has more to add for this “maybe final flying day for the season” please do so.

      The PW-5 was put away into its trailer and the cradles for the other gliders were brought down.

      All student pilots who need to log assembly and disassembly for gliders need to assist disassembling at least 1 glider this fall.  Be sure to have a CFI or AGI note that activity in your log. The assembly of a glider to include the installation of glider wings and tail surfaces is classified as operations functions
      not preventative maintenance. This information can be found in Amendment 43-27, published in 52 FR 17276, May 6, 1987 which is an amendment to 14 CFR part 43.

      Have a Happy Halloween!



    • #14403
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Hello from Lincoln,

      Indeed it was a nice day. The sunny skies stuck around until about 3:30. There were Cu’s and the lift was up to 4 knots, and it seemed to be plentiful. Jim Hopkins and I had a very nice 1:10 flight and got up to 3,200 AGL. Jim pointed out thinks on the ground and a few landing strips near SSI that I hadn’t ever recognized before.

      I had two very nice flights with members this year, this one and a flight earlier with John Osborn. It’s kind of nice to have a back seater to talk with while flying.

      It turned out to be a good day for our last for this season. The runway will close tomorrow. Thank you to all who helped yesterday, to all who have helped throughout the year and a VERY BIG thank you to all of you who have worked on and maintained our fleet. Your help and work is what keeps us all flying.

      John Lincoln

    • #14408
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Rich – thanks for sending out these recaps for our flying days.

      Regards, John DeRosa
      West Dundee, IL

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