Lost and found

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  • Author
    • #14896
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      Hello all. I’m at the field to pick my ship and found somebody’s Motorola phone in the bathroom. The phone is in the office now. Petr

    • #14897
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      Have a great week of flying!

      Steven Snyder, CFI-G
    • #14898
      Greg TomczykGreg Tomczyk
      Thanks Petr … I’m on my way to pick it up. Safe travels … good wx, & enjoy.

      skysoaring.com> wrote:

    • #14899
      Greg TomczykGreg Tomczyk
      Hi Steve … congrats on doing very well in the Windy City 1-26 Regatta.
    • #14900
      John ScottJohn Scott

      DITO Steve!
      John M. Scott

    • #14901
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Steve – Please write a note about how the week was flying with all the 1-26 folks.

    • #14902
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      Thanks to Jim Hopkins for helping with the bush trimming project this morning.  Still a long way to go but we got the front part cut back.  Tops & back still need to be knocked down.  And plenty of cuttings need to be raked up & moved to the burn pile.The rain fought us to a stand-still but we’ll be back to tame the jungle.  Feel free to jump in.

      John F. Phelan
      (S20 Mobile)

    • #14903
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      Here is a brief recap. For more details look up 1-26 Association on Facebook.

      This was a Regatta or fun meet. It was held at and sponsored by Windy City Soaring and was an official SSA sanctioned event. You may have heard chatter on 123.30 if you were flying. There were 9 gliders with 11 pilots until Curt Lewis decided to focus on being
      the Contest Director. We had guys from Ohio, New Orleans, Washington State, Nebraska and 3 gliders from Illinois. Ages from 16 to 82. Arrival was Saturday for most. Sunday rained and Monday was windy so Tuesday became a practice day. Wednesday, Thursday and
      Friday were official contest days. The tasks were designed to be simple enough for beginners like me but challenging for experts like JimBob. They were a minimum of 25 miles and averaged around 45 miles with a minimum time on course of 1.5 hours. There was
      only one land out all week but several relights were needed.

      Overall this was a great event and plans are already underway to have a repeat performance next year.


    • #14904
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      A postscript to my earlier comments. It was great to see Greg and Denny who stopped by and were able to watch the pilot briefing and launch operations. Next time perhaps they will bring a glider as well.



    • #14906
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      It was good to see / learn how a regatta starts, with many (+9) gliders on the Grid, and observe a gaggle. And of course see Steve, JB, and other enthusiasts.

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