Let's fly Monday!

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  • Author
    • #6437
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      If the weekend flyers don’t use up the thermals I would like to fly Monday. Forecast shows light winds from the East and lift up to 5000 ft. Anyone interested?

    • #6438
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      I can lend a hand Steve. 

      — Don 

      On Jul 6, 2019, at 20:13, Sky Soaring <webmaster@skysoaring.com> wrote:

      • #6441

        I could potentially come out Monday.

        Dan (student pilot)

    • #6452
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      The towplane front strut is out-of-service,(Sat afternoon ops), deflated (sorry!).  We did not know how to precisely service it.

      I briefed Gary Palumbo today, on that condition.

      • #6453
        John OsbornJohn Osborn

        Don will be out Monday between 10 and 10:30 to pressurize the strut. We need to get 3 or 4 guys out to help.
         Lets try to get an operation going. The weather looks good.
        John O

        • #6454
          Greg TomczykGreg Tomczyk

          I can come out to help.
          greg t

    • #6460
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

      Turned out to be a nice day dispite the haze from the Canadian wildfires. The 182 strut held up just fine for 11 tows. Thanks Don for pulling us around. The Master John Lincoln kept the PW5 up for 1.5 hours. Andy capped the day off with delicious Polish sausage. Thanks to everyone who came out today.

    • #6461
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Happy to hear strut could be re-charged, and a nice soaring adventure returned, & I didn’t ruin it.

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