Krosno Canopy Locking

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    • #14818
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello Instructors,

      As a reminder when flying the Krosno, remember to instruct the pilot you are flying with to make sure the canopy is closed, locked and secured. You should recall that we;

      1. Modified the front and rear latches with additional weld which added more resistance and making for a tighter fit.
      2. Added a velcro strap to loop around the front latch to keep it from opening during flight.
      3. Instructing our CFI-G’s to train each member that flies the Krosno how to properly secure the canopy closed.
      4. Train wing runners to verify that the canopy latches are closed, locked and secured prior to launch.
      5. Remind members not to slip the glider during approach unless necessary to make a safe landing. (That’s how the canopy flew open and shattered). The Krosno has very effective spoilers.

      If you have any questions please let me know.


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