Group-on flights cancelled Mile High added

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  • This topic has 13 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #7787
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello SSI members,

      Recently, it was discussed by the BOD that we will not be
      offering Group-On flights for the 2020 season. 

      We have added a new Mile High glider ride for the 2020 season. 
      The price for a Mile High glider ride will be $265.00.  It is
      offered on our
      website and the general public may purchase a gift certificate for
      it or pay by cash or check at the field. A commercial glider pilot
      is required as PIC. The aerotow will go to 6200 MSL (5280 AGL). It
      will take the tow plane approximately 15 minutes from launch until

      We understand that this may inconvenience our club members that
      are waiting for an aerotow.  We hope to do be able to conduct
      these flights early in the day.  They will bring much needed
      revenue into the club and your understanding is appreciated.

      We are also offering a FAST Introductory Flight Lesson which may
      be purchased through our website or at the field. This is an SSA
      sponsored flight for first timers interested in learning to fly
      gliders.  The FAST lesson cost is $139.00.  The student receives a
      packet (located in the office) that includes a glider logbook,
      soaring manual, 3 month membership in SSA, 3 month SSA magazine
      subscription, 30 minutes of ground school and a flight lesson
      which includes a 3000 foot tow. It does require that a CFI-G do
      the ground school and flight lesson that will be logged in the
      students logbook.

      If you have questions about any of these offers please, contact
      any board member.

      Don Grillo
      Mx Chairman

    • #7802

      Fantasy solution by Andy

      Mile high ride ? its means club member gone be waiting longer

      For next tow ,no good idea .

      My proposal : purchase chip motor glider for daily riders :Where?




      and everybody gone be happy


      require more analyses by experts !


    • #7801

      Fantasy solution by Andy


    • #7822
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      I believe that the “mile high” option is a good idea and will not greatly impact our tow operations.
      Other clubs – Several clubs that I know of have this “mile high” option and they report those rides to be about 10% of all their “day member” rides.  As we had a total of 57 day member rides in 2019 this would mean about 6 of those rides would be a mile high. 

      Time – A 3,000ft AGL tow takes about 10-15 minutes round trip.  The additional 1390 ft to get to 4,390ft AGL (5,280ft MSL) would probably take an additional 15 minutes round trip. 

      Bottom line – All our “mile high” tows would add up to a YEARLY total tow time delta of about 1-1/2 hours.  Not very much. 

      John H DeRosa

    • #7823
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      I don’t have an issue with the mile high club scenic ride for day members. I do wonder a bit about John D’s math though. In this case I think of the mile high club as being a tow to 5280′ agl. An additional 2280′ above a regular scenic day ride tow to 3000 agl which would be 3890 msl. Top of a mile high tow being 6,170 msl. Of course we could save a bunch of tow time by offering the One Kilometer Club scenic ride. That would only add an extra 280.84 feet to the regular day member scenic flight! All kidding aside a cool thought about the mile high tows is if we took the day member to Marengo in the Lark and then of course flew back to SSI. They would get a bit of a taste for cross country as well as seeing some countryside. John Lincoln

    • #7824
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Question…..would any of you Private Glider members think of doing that
      5280 cruise,….without a transponder of some sort?

    • #7825
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Dennis, I wouldn’t hesitate to do the 5280 cruise. I can’t because I’m not a commercial rated pilot. I fly without a transponder now so that wouldn’t bother me either. Marengo is away from the class B airspace too. I would like a two way radio but we have hand helds for that. Finally it’s approximately 7 miles from Marengo to SSI. That is a 7:1 glide ratio if the tow is to 6170 msl. If we go with towing to 5280 msl the glide ratio is 8.42:1.  Actually even the 2-33 shouldn’t have any trouble with either glide. It would be a lark in the Lark!!! John Lincoln

    • #7834

      informative and professional message
      A1 safety and professionalism attitude that goes with the wise and very old statement: “There are Old Pilots and Bold Pilots but not very many Old, Bold/Careless Pilots

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