I am one of the people that gather pay envelopes and flight sheets, reconcile the two, and then make deposits. Important stuff.
Generally the flight sheets and associated pay envelopes are in pretty good shape. But on Aug 10th, which was a 100% winch day, things were in rather bad shape. No costs were entered for any flight on the sheets and most of the flights on the pay envelopes. I’ve seen it before but not this badly. Its easy – the cost info is on the flight sheet (bottom right) – $10 per winch and $5 per (most) instruction.
It doesn’t matter if this is paid by check, cash or SSI coupons. It does matter that we get this correct as our instructors receive a small honorarium towards their dues for their invaluable services.
The PIC (Pilot in Command) of each flight must enter the correct costs on the sheets and the envelopes. We get Aero tows correct all the time. We are slipping up on winching.
John “The Enforcer” DeRosa
(an Italian from Chicago – get it?)
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