Good Soaring WX on Friday May 17

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    • #14824
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Looking at the soaring weather report from for Friday, May 17th, looks very nice for training and cross country flights.


      The prediction is for lift to 6,000AGL at 4kts, cumulus clouds, winds 220 at 2-3kts , 77 degrees.


      Lets make a day of it as the weekend’s weather is not as good.  I will be out around 10AM and hope others will too.


      – John DeRosa

    • #14826
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      An update…

      Saturday is starting to look better than first reported with good lift and CUs. Friday is similar but with a longer window of soar-able weather from noon to around 5PM.

      I will be out tomorrow and see you shows up.

      John DeRosa

    • #14829
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      As sometimes happens with Chicago weather, the SkySite forecast has changed with Saturday looking better than Friday.  But who knows.


      > Friday May 17 – Looks good for training but not necessarily cross country.

      Lift to 5500 MSL, very few if any CUs, winds 300 at 5kts gusting to 7kts, temp 76


      > Saturday May 18 – Looks good for training and cross country.

      Lift to 6000 MSL, CUs starting at 1100h lasting all day, winds 192 at 7kts gusting to 11kts, temp 81


      > Sunday May 19 – Looks good for training but not necessarily cross country.

      Lift to 4000 MSL, very few if any CUs, winds 90 (lake breeze) at 5kts gusting to 7kts, temp 79

    • #14830
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      I did review the FREE soaring weather tool at which gave a similar forecast for Friday through Sunday.

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