Flying Tomorrow

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    • #14905
      Art SilvermanArt Silverman

      If you are a student and you want to fly tomorrow respond to this message and the the club know you want to fly.  If enough students respond I am sure we can get a tow pilot and instructor.


      PS: unfortunately I will not be able to be at the field tomorrow.

    • #14907

      Tentatively tomorrow after ~2pm?, I’m sailing in the morning and not sure what time I’ll finish yet.  Keep us posted.  I’m a student and I would be able to help with wing running too.  Thanks.  Mike (Chicago)

    • #14908
      Nicholas LegenzaNicholas Legenza

      I will be out tomorrow at 11:30 ish to tow after my flight in Aurora
      Sent from my iPhone

    • #14909
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Hello:I can be out around 11:30’am when Nick is there to be GSO, wing run and fly. Regards,


    • #14910
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello Sky Soaring members and Happy Sunday.  Today’s soaring forecast is looking like this; Low overcast to broken clouds will give way to scattered clouds as the morning sun starts heating the earth. Cloud bases should go to 4500 feet msl by 2 pm. High clouds moving in later may keep things cool and the cloud base lower.  Very light winds today out of the east northeast. Yesterdays rains means the fields will be wet and therefore effecting heating and lift. A good day to practice your weak lift thermalling skills. Aerotowing today will be smooth, great for student learning.

      See you at the fielld… Don

    • #14911

      Good morning Don and thanks for the update.  I’ll send a note later today if I can make it out there later this afternoon.  Have fun flying today.  Mike

    • #14913

      I won’t be able to make it today, hope to see you all next week.  

    • #14914
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda


      Thanks to Don’s weather forecast I showed up at the field later in the morning.  Don Grillo and Cornelis van de Klippe were mowing the grass on the runway – Thanks!  I took the small push mower and cleaned up around Pumpkin, Petr’s tie down area and the area around Greg’s and my 1-26.  Some of the other glider tie down areas need some work with a small mower or weed eater next weekend.  Andy C. cleaned up some of the area near the storage container and the front of the hangar with the the push lawn mower so thanks to him things are neater.

      I located the other grill in the truck box storage area so it is now accounted for.  Maybe be can set up the 3 grills on low and cook up some slabs of ribs in one future weekend.  Let me know if that sounds like a viable idea.

      We had 4 flights in Pumpkin today.  Don Grillo was GSO, Nick L. towed, and we all took turns as wing runner.  For the first time ever, Andy C. and I took a flight together in Pumpkin. We found some barely there lift and then had to come home.   Don took 2 flights with new member Ratina and then I finished out the day by taking the 4th and last flight in Pumpkin with one of my guests. All tows were 2K due to clouds but it was OK.  So, 4 flights, little to no lift, no real wind, and temps in the mid 70*’s with an average flight of 11 minutes.  Not a bad Sunday.

      This coming Saturday and Sunday have forecasts of sunny around 77*F.



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