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Tagged: covid-19
- This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
Don Grillo.
Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 at 7:12 pm #8322
Larry Kase
ParticipantWe will be starting limited glider operations starting on May 1.
The Pawnee annual is expected to be completed by Friday.
For the first 2 weeks we are planning on only solo flights.
Social distancing, masks required- no Covid 19.
Bookyourplane required for all flights.
Homeland Security exempted recreational flying and flight training from nonessential restrictions. Some members will choose to not participate. Use good judgement and be safe.
Larry Kase -
Thursday, April 30th, 2020 at 9:01 am #8335
Mark Mallamo
ParticipantMembers of Sky Soaring,
It’s been a long winter an I’m looking forward to getting back into the air this week, if only on a limited basis to start. Before you come out to the field, please take a few moments to review some important safety procedural changes the board has implemented (included below this message).
Also, one of the major changes we are implementing this season is an online reservation system for club gliders. If you haven’t done so, please sign up for the online booking program here:
If you have any questions or concerns about these new procedures, please don’t hesitate to contact me or any board member.
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you in the coming days and weeks.
<b>Effective: April 27, 2020</b>
<b>Social Distancing:</b> While on club property, members must follow CDC and IDPH guidelines including distancing, mask wearing, gloves and hand sanitizing. Members are to provide their own supplies for doing this.
<b>Self-Health Assessment:</b> Any member who has or may have been in contact with someone that has been exposed to or inflicted with the Covid-19 virus within the past 14 days must not visit Sky Soaring. Please stay home and follow CDC and IDPH guidelines. Many of our club members are older and are in the high risk category for CV-19.
<b>Spring Checkouts:</b> Club CFI-G’s and Tow Pilots under age 80 are exempt from the spring checkout requirements. (see SSI Policy and Procedures Manual 3.4).
For rated pilots, “The Flight Committee may waive the requirements in “3.4” for any member who: has, in the prior ninety days acted as PIC of an aircraft, completed a Flight Review or a successful field check at any SSA-recognized facility.” Waivers will be reviewed on a pilot per pilot basis. Members should contact Flight Committee Chairman, Mark Mallamo @ 224-402-0651 for assessment.
<b>Student Pilots:</b> Student pilots will not be able to fly until we can safely meet CDC and IDPH guidelines for social distancing and offer you instructors willing to fly in close quarters. Post solo students will not be able to fly until a CFI-G can legally endorse you for solo.
<b>Instructional Flights:</b> When instructional flights are resumed, pilots needing dual instruction should schedule aircraft and instructors by using the online booking website.
<b>Dual Flights: </b>No dual flights except with family members or approved by both parties.
<b>Aircraft Booking:</b> Club members are urged to use the online booking website (bookourplane.com) to book future dates and times you would like to reserve a club glider and/or a CFI-G. First time use requires registration. Follow this link and register on bookourplane.com. The link and login is also on the skysoaring.com website under booking.
<b>Ground Operations:</b> One person must be designated to run the flight sheet board and booking tablet. One person must be a designated wing runner, cockpit canopy closed during rope hookup. One person should be available to help retrieve gliders after landing. Only One person on a golf cart at a time.
<b>Pilot Lounge/Restroom:</b> Keep pilot lounge and office use to a minimum. Wipe down the computer keyboard with wipes after use. Bathroom toilet and sink wiped down after use. Doorknobs wiped down.
<b>Sanitizing:</b> The PIC is responsible for sanitizing the cockpit after each glider flight. All controls and flight instruments should be wiped down with proper disinfectant. Do not use any alcohol based or hard cleaning products on the canopy as it will harm the plastic, (use plastic cleaner only.) Tow pilots are required to sanitize the tow plane cockpit before any shift change or when putting away the tow plane at the end of operations.
<b>Private Ship Owners:</b> Private ship owners may fly anytime there is an operation on the field. Use social distancing when assembling/disassembling or towing your ship to the grid. Use your tow-out gear or a golf cart using one other person to run your wing for towing to the grid. Stage your sailplane off the runway. Grid your sailplane yourself or with a minimum of outside assistance.
<b>Landout Considerations:</b> Private ship owners should have his/her retrieve vehicle ready in the event of a landout. Retrieve personnel should be briefed in advance and use proper PPE equipment while in the vehicle and during the retrieve.
<b>Day member flights:</b> No day member flights until the “stay at home” order has been rescinded or the BOD decides. Day member flights will be by appointment only. Each person in possession of a gift certificate will be notified by email or phone or when they purchase a gift certificate via the skysoaring.com website.
<b>Weekday Flight Ops:</b> On good soaring weather days, pilots may schedule operations the morning of by sending out an email to see who might be interested in getting flight operations going. Many times these are private ship owners who want to take advantage of the good soaring weather. The same CDC and IDPH guidelines must be followed.
<b>Policy Updates:</b> These procedural changes may be updated at any time by the SSI Board of Directors. Please watch for changes to this document via the skysoaring.com website in the message forum.
Sky Soaring Board of Directors
Friday, May 8th, 2020 at 4:40 pm #8442
Don Grillo
KeymasterHello Sky Soaring…the Self-Health Assessment has been updated. Please review it.
Effective: May 8, 2020
Social Distancing: While on club property, members must follow CDC and IDPH guidelines including distancing, mask wearing, gloves and hand sanitizing. Members are to provide their own supplies for doing this.
Self-Health Assessment: Any member who has or may have been in contact with someone that has been exposed to or inflicted with the Covid-19 virus within the past 14 days must not visit Sky Soaring. Please stay home and follow CDC and IDPH guidelines. Many of our club members are older and are in the high risk category for CV-19.
The following three questions encompass the daily self-health assessment. If you respond “Yes” to any of the questions, please do not visit Sky Soaring:
- Have you had close contact (see below) with a person(s) confirmed or presumed to be infected with COVID-19?
- Please take your temperature using a thermometer. Is your body temperature greater than 100.0°F/37.8°C?
- Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms that are not attributed to a known condition (asthma, COPD, chronic sinusitis, etc.): – Cough – Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing – Sore throat – Runny nose – Nasal congestion – Muscle aches (unrelated to recent physical activity) – Loss of smell and/or taste – Repeated shaking with chills – Diarrhea
Spring Checkouts: Club CFI-G’s and Tow Pilots under age 80 are exempt from the spring checkout requirements. (see SSI Policy and Procedures Manual 3.4).
For rated pilots, “The Flight Committee may waive the requirements in “3.4” for any member who: has, in the prior ninety days acted as PIC of an aircraft, completed a Flight Review or a successful field check at any SSA-recognized facility.” Waivers will be reviewed on a pilot per pilot basis. Members should contact Flight Committee Chairman, Mark Mallamo @ 224-402-0651 for assessment.
Student Pilots: Student pilots will not be able to fly until we can safely meet CDC and IDPH guidelines for social distancing and offer you instructors willing to fly in close quarters. Post solo students will not be able to fly until a CFI-G can legally endorse you for solo.
Instructional Flights: When instructional flights are resumed, pilots needing dual instruction should schedule aircraft and instructors by using the online booking website.
Dual Flights: No dual flights except with family members or approved by both parties.
Aircraft Booking: Club members are urged to use the online booking website (bookourplane.com) to book future dates and times you would like to reserve a club glider and/or a CFI-G. First time use requires registration. Follow this link and register on bookourplane.com. The link and login is also on the skysoaring.com website under booking.
Ground Operations: One person must be designated to run the flight sheet board and booking tablet. One person must be a designated wing runner, cockpit canopy closed during rope hookup. One person should be available to help retrieve gliders after landing. Only One person on a golf cart at a time.
Pilot Lounge/Restroom: Keep pilot lounge and office use to a minimum. Wipe down the computer keyboard with wipes after use. Bathroom toilet and sink wiped down after use. Doorknobs wiped down.
Sanitizing: The PIC is responsible for sanitizing the cockpit after each glider flight. All controls and flight instruments should be wiped down with proper disinfectant. Do not use any alcohol based or hard cleaning products on the canopy as it will harm the plastic, (use plastic cleaner only.) Tow pilots are required to sanitize the tow plane cockpit before any shift change or when putting away the tow plane at the end of operations.
Private Ship Owners: Private ship owners may fly anytime there is an operation on the field. Use social distancing when assembling/disassembling or towing your ship to the grid. Use your tow-out gear or a golf cart using one other person to run your wing for towing to the grid. Stage your sailplane off the runway. Grid your sailplane yourself or with a minimum of outside assistance.
Landout Considerations: Private ship owners should have his/her retrieve vehicle ready in the event of a landout. Retrieve personnel should be briefed in advance and use proper PPE equipment while in the vehicle and during the retrieve.
Day member flights: No day member flights until the “stay at home” order has been rescinded or the BOD decides. Day member flights will be by appointment only. Each person in possession of a gift certificate will be notified by email or phone or when they purchase a gift certificate via the skysoaring.com website.
Weekday Flight Ops: On good soaring weather days, pilots may schedule operations the morning of by sending out an email to see who might be interested in getting flight operations going. Many times these are private ship owners who want to take advantage of the good soaring weather. The same CDC and IDPH guidelines must be followed.
Policy Updates: These procedural changes may be updated at any time by the SSI Board of Directors. Please watch for changes to this document via the skysoaring.com website in the message forum.
Sky Soaring Board of Directors
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