Ed Stokes Memorial Day Picnic

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    • #14887
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      On Monday the Ed Stokes family came to our Memorial Day picnic to present Sky Soaring with a contribution to our club.  Ed was a great member of our club and nice to everyone.  His family seems just as nice.  They sent the following note to be shared with our membership.


      Thank you so much for hosting us on Memorial Day. It filled our hearts with joy to be back in his “happy place”. I can’t tell you what it meant to us to be able to remember him in such a special way. I will be eternally grateful for all you did.


      We put together a presentation of pictures of Ed through the years which was shown at the picnic.  It can be viewed at https://youtu.be/bBe1yG04k9Y


      – John DeRosa

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