Clean up on asile 7

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    • #13681
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      I wish to thank John Phelan, Andy, Rich, John Osborn and John DeRosa for looking into and working on our golf carts. As of this writing the white golf cart is again working as Andy was out working on it today. I wish to thank John Osborn for rigging the club’s PW-5. I also know there have been several folks out mowing our field. Thanks for staying on top of that. I am waiting for a call about the needs of the new Hustler. Hopefully I’ll hear something tomorrow. John DeRosa had a meeting with Ron Vanacker on Saturday about mowing the tall grass that sounded like it went well. There is a monitor on a stand in the hangar that shows where the ships that are flying and have the proper transmitting equipment. I hear it’s a big hit. Finally I hope we can rig Pumpkin after the monthly meeting. Please come out and help so we have a bit more room in the hangar. John Lincoln Maintenance

    • #13685
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      No problem.  Still a bit of clean-up work needed on the electric carts but all three are serviceable, as is.  I won’t be there on Saturday (previous engagements) but I do plan to come out on Sunday and finish up if we have the parts.  Otherwise, it will be a couple of weeks, as I’m gone the weekend of the 23rd.

      Note to All: please Turn Off the Ignition when you exit a cart.  Leaving the carts sitting around with the ignitions turned on all day doesn’t do them any good, especially the gas cart.  It takes ½ a second to turn off the key and a ½ second to turn it back on.  Invest 1 second in extending the life of our golf carts.  Thanks.

      I wish to thank John Phelan, Andy, Rich, John Osborn and John DeRosa for looking into and working on our golf carts. As of this writing the white golf cart is again working as Andy was out working on it today. I wish to thank John Osborn for rigging the club’s PW-5. I also know there have been several folks out mowing our field. Thanks for staying on top of that. I am waiting for a call about the needs of the new Hustler. Hopefully I’ll hear something tomorrow. John DeRosa had a meeting with Ron Vanacker on Saturday about mowing the tall grass that sounded like it went well. There is a monitor on a stand in the hangar that shows where the ships that are flying and have the proper transmitting equipment. I hear it’s a big hit. Finally I hope we can rig Pumpkin after the monthly meeting. Please come out and help so we have a bit more room in the hangar. John Lincoln Maintenance

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <>
      Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 9:21
      Subject: Clean up on asile 7, By John Lincoln, [Sky Soaring]

    • #13695
      Steven SnyderSteven Snyder
      On John Phelan Wrote;
      No problem.  Still a bit of clean-up work needed on the electric carts but all three are serviceable, as is.  I won’t be there on Saturday (previous engagements) but I do plan to come out on Sunday and finish up if we have the parts.  Otherwise, it will be a couple of weeks, as I’m gone the weekend of the 23rd.
      Note to All: please Turn Off the Ignition when you exit a cart.  Leaving the carts sitting around with the ignitions turned on all day doesn’t do them any good, especially the gas cart.  It takes ½ a second to turn off the key and a ½ second to turn it back on.  Invest 1 second in extending the life of our golf carts.  Thanks.
      I wish to thank John Phelan, Andy, Rich, John Osborn and John DeRosa for looking into and working on our golf carts. As of this writing the white golf cart is again working as Andy was out working on it today. I wish to thank John Osborn for rigging the club’s PW-5. I also know there have been several folks out mowing our field. Thanks for staying on top of that. I am waiting for a call about the needs of the new Hustler. Hopefully I’ll hear something tomorrow. John DeRosa had a meeting with Ron Vanacker on Saturday about mowing the tall grass that sounded like it went well. There is a monitor on a stand in the hangar that shows where the ships that are flying and have the proper transmitting equipment. I hear it’s a big hit. Finally I hope we can rig Pumpkin after the monthly meeting. Please come out and help so we have a bit more room in the hangar. John Lincoln Maintenance
      Best Regards,
      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <>
      Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 9:21
      Subject: Clean up on aisle 7, By John Lincoln, [Sky Soaring]
      This is for Andy.


    • #13698


      thank you steven for the links to the check list site, very funny but it won't replace your verbal instructions
      it's time to heal
      a lot of students and members are waiting for you to come, we need a signature for ground school, and we need people to cleanup asile 7, so see you at the monthly meeting saturday 17/23
      Remember: never giveup

      On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 05:28:52 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote:

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