Chairs Needed Saturday March 25th

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Chairs Needed Saturday March 25th

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  • Author
    • #13303
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      It would be great if you have some plastic or folding chairs that you can bring to the hangar on Saturday for our safety meeting.

      Thanks!  John DeRosa

    • #13305
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      I’ll bring my Barcalounger.  Always treat the Sound Guy special.

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <>
      Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 9:16
      Subject: Chairs Needed Saturday March 25th, By John DeRosa, [Sky Soaring]

    • #13306
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      John ,

      Fine. Bring a sofa-sleeper for all I care. As long as you don’t fall asleep like last year. Sheesh. ;-/

      Best Regards,
      John H DeRosa

    • #13307
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      Well, if it wasn’t so boring . . 

      John F. Phelan
      (S20 Mobile)

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