Bruce Wilbee Donations to Sky Soaring

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    • #4634
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa



      During the Sky Soaring Labor Day picnic we had a visit from Bruce Wilbee’s widow, Ann Wilbee.   Bruce passed away very suddenly earlier this summer at far too young of an age.  This was a tragic loss for the Wilbee family which included his 14 year old son.  The Sky Soaring family also lost a very good friend.


      I spoke at length with Ann and she seems to be doing well.  She has decided to go back to school in the spring to study to be a Counselor.  Her son is very active in baseball in two traveling leagues, soon to be a freshman in high school, and has his sights set on being on the varsity team.


      At the picnic Ann had brought along with her some items of Bruce’s that she had collected from the Wilbee home and thought that the club could use.  I also dropped by her home to pick up some larger items and to help her sort out what to keep and what to let go.  You may have seem some new items in the hangar with the “Wilbee” name on them.  Among these are a nice fiberglass step ladder, a reciprocating saw (aka Sawzall), several extension cords and other smaller items.


      Ann is also interested in setting up a youth grant program at Sky Soaring.  More about that at a latter date.


      Please keep the Wilbee family in your thoughts.


      – John DeRosa OHM




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