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  • Author
    • #9305
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      It’s been over a week since the accident. I am not an overly religious man but I do wish to point out how blessed I think we were. First and foremost Karl was relatively unharmed. It could have been tragic. Don is unhurt. Larry and his student are unhurt. The tow plane wasn’t damaged. It looks to me like the 2-33 only needs a new wing.  There are so many scenarios that could have been so much worse. I pray for a quick recovery for Karl. Of course I hope and pray we never have another accident, but I am also so thankful that this one was so benign in it’s final analysis. I hope other club members feel as thankful as I about our blessings. Sincerely, John Lincoln

    • #9306
      Larry KrengelLarry Krengel
      Well said, John.Larry Krengel

    • #9307
      Greg TomczykGreg Tomczyk
    • #9308

      Dear members of SSI:

      I would like to thank all the great members of our club who called me, sent emails, expressing their concern about my well being following my horrific accident a little over a week ago. All I can say is that I am doing extremely well and all my bruises are gone. In fact nobody ever asked me like: Hey, what happened to your forehead etc. What I really feel bad about is damaging our 2-33 Pumpkin rendering it useless for the rest of the season. I hope it will come back soon. Maybe I’m just a lucky being having been born 13th out of 13 children. Right now I don’t know what my future will be like.

      Thank you again for all of your concerns for my well being. It is very much appreciated!



    • #9309
      Bob SteffensBob Steffens

      I just read about. The accident im happy to hear your do good ive been in ky. And now im in wi .didnt know about the accident till now hope i see you soon. Bob steffens

      Sent via the Samsung Galaxy, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
    • #9310
      Larry MoyLarry Moy

      Great to hear, Karl!  Glad it wasn’t any worse and at least you found a soft spot to land.

    • #9312
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa
      Karl – I have been out of town for two weeks just returning today.  When I
      heard of your incident I was so very worried for your well being and so
      very glad to hear that your injuries were minor.  I immediately thought
      of our talk before I left town about your concerns for your wife and I knew that you would
      be more worried about her than yourself.  Happy that there were many people at the field to get you the help you needed at a critical time.  Things can be replaced but people are the most important in your life when the chips are down.  Take good care of yourself.
      John H DeRosa(OHM Ω)
      West Dundee, Illinois, USA
      “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”– Albert Einstein
    • #9313
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      I also called Karl two times since, checking

      For those who were not on-site, will there possibly be a Zoom web meeting ( members only) to review the elements leading up to the incident? (thus, a teaching aid).

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