BIG NEWS – Insurance Update

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    • #13450
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


      I just received word that our Sky Soaring Insurance WILL BE RENEWED by AIG our carrier! This is GREAT news!

      I’d like to give thanks to some key people that helped make this happen.

      The Soaring Safety Foundation (SSF) members Burt Compton and Ron Ridenour who wrote reports about our operation and provided feedback on how we can get better. SSI member Geoff Weck who helped put together a list of safety accomplishments that Sky Soaring made when we had the opportunity to present face-to-face to AIG at the SSA Reno convention. Our insurance broker Pat Costello (Costello Insurance Associates) who was convinced that we should be reconsidered for insurance coverage and convinced AIG to renew our insurance. And, finally, the past and present Sky Soaring Board of Directors (Kees Van De Klippe, John Osborn, Don Grillo, John Lincoln, Steve Snyder, Jim Hopkins and Greg Tomczyk) who helped keep the pressure up since last fall to make all this happen.

      BUT WE ARE NOT OUT OF THE WOOD BY A LONG SHOT. We have implemented many safety features in the past two years and even more so this year. We MUST always perform each of these things every day and in every way. We MUST keep safety in our minds at all times during every activity and operation. Ron Ridenour often said that “Convenience NEVER outweighs safety” meaning do the same thing if there is one glider operating or 20. We CANNOT become lax and can never go back to the same-old-way.

      Finally, it is not too strong of a comment to say that a single accident or incident from this point forward will stop this club from operating for a very long time indeed. We have been here for 50 years. We want to be here for 50 more.


      – John DeRosa, President, Sky Soaring Board of Directors

    • #13451
      John PhelanJohn Phelan

      Great news and great work by the Board & others.

      John F. Phelan
      (S20 Mobile)

    • #13452
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      What news?

      From: SSI []
      Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2023 3:31 PM
      Subject: Reply To: BIG NEWS – Insurance Update; By John Phelan, [Sky Soaring]

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