A Mowed Grass Runway is a Safer Runway

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    • #14783
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Yes, a mowed grass runway is a safer runway.


      Dragging a wingtip into tall grass can cause a ground loop and it can happen in a flash.  This is especially so on low wing aircraft (and even more so gliders with CG releases) and can do considerable damage to the glider.  This is why we are taught to immediately release if we drag a wingtip.


      Part of our club’s maintenance tasks that everyone can help with is mowing.  If not already checked out on our Hustler zero turn mowers just ask.  Its important.


      Our runway grass is too long right now IMHO.  I am on my way out to the airport to do some mowing down the “centerline” so we will be safer over the weekend.  Anyone want to come out and help?


      Thanks, John (OHM)



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