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I believe that the “mile high” option is a good idea and will not greatly impact our tow operations.
Other clubs – Several clubs that I know of have this “mile high” option and they report those rides to be about 10% of all their “day member” rides. As we had a total of 57 day member rides in 2019 this would mean about 6 of those rides would be a mile high.
Time – A 3,000ft AGL tow takes about 10-15 minutes round trip. The additional 1390 ft to get to 4,390ft AGL (5,280ft MSL) would probably take an additional 15 minutes round trip.
Bottom line – All our “mile high” tows would add up to a YEARLY total tow time delta of about 1-1/2 hours. Not very much.
John H DeRosa