Re: [Sky Soaring] Re: [Sky Soaring] New topic: Sunday June 9th Activity

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Sunday June 9th Activity Re: [Sky Soaring] Re: [Sky Soaring] New topic: Sunday June 9th Activity

Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

Rich, as Don has mentioned, the Avant browser will connect with the
existing Zmodo NVR ( network video recorder) that controls the existing
4-camera Zmodo system.
As mentioned, any camera-over-internet requires a wireless system that
allows an Uplink ( camera-to-Internet service provider) of many Megabits
per second. That issue is being resolved with the newer wireless ISP
service that SSI has worked out with Fox Valley Wireless.

PS: Any new “wifi” cameras are even more brutal on bandwidth required to
support >30 frames per second, so be careful.
PSS: John Baker has found a Smartphone app that connects with the Zmodo NVR
cams…..check with him.