Welcome to Sky Soaring › Forums › Restricted content › How To Handle Groupon Customers…. › Re: [Sky Soaring] New topic: How To Handle Groupon Customers….
Sorry I could not make it to the meeting today.
I have a few Groupon and other questions:
How much money do we make on each Groupon customer?
Is it about $60? Groupon keeps about 50%?
If so, for each SkySoaring member that goes inactive we need 16 Groupon flights to BREAK EVEN for that member’s loss. If 2 members go inactive we need 32 flights… At times it appears that Day members and Groupon flights displace Skysoaring members from flying.
Is it worth it to do Groupon under that cash flow scenario? Is the the extra potential liability worth it?
Also, during the past 4 years I have seen many members and junior members leave. Do we have an exit survey to see why they are leaving? What are we doing wrong?
Have any of the junior members obtained a certificate of any type this year or last year? Have any even received a student certificate which is free and has no requirements other than asking for it? Have any completed ground school? (Groupon comes with ground instruction – how many have logged that?) Is there a printed syllabus for the Groupon ground school or for the junior members? Do we have a syllabus for brand new students and for glider add on? I have never seen any…
How many student members call for a flight briefing before flying? How many regular members do that? Or, use an FAA accepted and logged flight briefing app?
I know these questions may seem hard hitting – they are not intended to criticize anyone – but we need to watch our cash flow and exposure to liability. The club needs to put the interests of its members first.
I look forward to some written replies regarding these questions.