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I would like to echo Erik’s statement about the winch. One of the big disappointments with the winch is that we are often limited in the altitude we can get on most launches, due to the relatively short length of our our runway. The temporary use of the east agricultural field has partly solved this and we’ve been able to get releases of nearly 2000 feet agl depending on conditions.
That said, there is safety value in being able to practice lots of pattern-height launches. Even if one is not able to get a duration flight out of it, the habit of doing multiple launches and landings definitely builds your skills, and the launch itself is a lot of fun! Yes, the first few you experience are intense and it feels like things happen FAST, but eventually you learn to anticipate the events and the launches become an absolute joy. And as Erik said, winching forces you to think about low altitude emergency management and many of those same skills can be transferred to aero-tow launching. It will increase your reflexes and make you a better pilot.
Personally, I would like to see the club try to take better advantage of non-soaring days. Just because there aren’t thermals, does not mean we can’t be out there working on pilot proficiency in the traffic pattern (and the winch is a great way to do this inexpensively). Came up short on your last accuracy landing? Get a winch operation going and make accuracy landings the goal of the day.
AND, don’t forget that the winch is currently our only launch alternative in case our single tow plane goes down for extended maintenance. Back in 2017 when the Cessna 150 towplane had an accident, the winch permitted us to keep flying for nearly two months until a new towplane was acquired.
Board, please consider this decision carefully.