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For smart and brave Corona baster!! Buy working light 17$ at ACE ,or home Depod ,or harbor fright .Must be fluorescent, 13 watt only. remove fluorescent bulb. BUY 13Watt UV-C From eby https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-PCS-UV-Light-Bulbs-13W-Watt-G23-Base-for-Aquarium-UVC-Sterilizer/261281454932?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 Grain the tong of the bulb ,Cut opening on shield,layer with aluminum foil . It generates 254 nm UVC rays to kill bacteria and viruses in aquarium, kitchen, bathroom, restaurant, etc. Warning!! Do not look directly to light ,use protective glass (sun glass ok ) do not expose to your skin more then 25 sec,Hand face etc WARNING:
UV-C LIGHT has an intense burning effect on human skin and can quickly damage your eyes. Do not expose your skin or eyes to an unprotected UV-C light.
Tech info: After grind tong on the new uv-c bulb,secure new bulb in socket with RTV,and tooth pick.Be careful when installing new the bulb in socket sometimes when alignment is off contact in socket is pushed out.Check by power lamp,if filament is glowing you are ok. To start the lamp switch power on, wait 10 sek to 2 minute ,when beautiful blue light com on ,enjoy! one more solution from eby!UV Sterilizer Sanatizer Bulb, Ballast and Holder 13w 120v | eBay
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
Don Grillo.