Reply To: Sky Soaring

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John DeRosaJohn DeRosa


Pilot’s renters insurance (known as “Non-Owners Insurance”) will “work” for Sky Soaring and it has done so in the recent past. This was a policy purchased through Costello Insurance and underwritten by Global Insurance. Not very expensive.
Going forward all member aviation insurance policies such as a renters policy, and also private ship owners’ mandated policies, needs to include “Sky Soaring Glider Club” as a “Named Party” (I believe that this is the correct term). There is no additional cost to adding Sky Soaring to these policies. At my next renewal I will also do this.
Thank you.
John H DeRosa
President, SSI BOD

On Friday, March 31, 2023 at 08:11:15 PM CDT, SSI <> wrote: