Reply To: Saturday

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Saturday Reply To: Saturday

Rich WalendaRich Walenda
Hello:Can we get the results of the Club election published? I could not make it to the meeting due to work obligations. (I recently took over the operations of our Rockford office and its busy.)If any of you have friends/relatives in law enforcement I have part time employment opportunities for District Security Officers at $45 per hour. Contact me for further info.Also, since fall is back to school time I have been involved in more law enforcement and medical training. We can do some Stop the Bleed and CPR/AED training this winter for the club. (Part one of Stop the Bleed training: )As for law enforcement training I am attaching a link for 2 short video scenarios that could be eye opening to you. Please see hope that all had a good Thanksgiving and look forward to flying with you next season.Regards,Rich