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Turned out to be a very nice day. Only 10 flights possibly due to the later start but some good training including some training for new members Mikolay and Armando plus a potential new member that Gary took up for a FAST ride. Rich came out and flew plus trained several members in the “Stop the Blood” first aid training. Kees also came out and mowed plus flew. Nick flew in showing style in the Cub (I got to see him depart while I circled at 3k feet above the field.
Thanks to Don and Gary for towing as well as working on a small oil leak on the Pawnee.
From: SSI <webmaster@skysoaring.com>
Sent: Friday, September 9, 2022 8:35 PM
To: Smsrsnyder@comcast.net
Subject: Reply To: Saturday; By Steven Snyder, [Sky Soaring]