Reply To: Sky Soaring Memorial Day Barbecue – Sunday September 4th

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Sky Soaring Memorial Day Barbecue – Sunday September 4th Reply To: Sky Soaring Memorial Day Barbecue – Sunday September 4th

John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

Reminder – L-A-B-O-R Day picnic is this coming Sunday.We will get the grills going at 2PM with the plan to have food ready to eat around 3PM.

See you then!
John H DeRosa


On Monday, August 29, 2022 at 10:26:12 PM CDT, <> wrote:

Please plan on coming out to the club on Sunday September 4th for our traditional LABOR DAY barbecue and picnic. Meat and drinks will be provided.

Please bring along something to share (chips, salads, deserts, etc).

Friends and family are all welcome.

A donation of $6 per person is appreciated.
John H DeRosa
President, Sky Soaring Glider Club