Reply To: Proving Grounds

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Proving Grounds Reply To: Proving Grounds

Steven SnyderSteven Snyder

    Another fun flight today. If you complete a Proving Grounds task email the IGC file to

    This was a tougher task today. Set the cloudbase at 5,700ft winds 270@10kt and medium strength thermals. Task time 34 min 50 sec. Aircraft Standard Cirrus, similar to 1-34R.
    <h1>Scoring Sky Soaring tasks</h1>
    <h2>Condor Soaring Simulator Flight</h2>
    <h2>Completed Sky Soaring Racetrack Sky Soaring in 0:34:50</h2>
    <h3>44.8 km scored flight distance at 41.6 kt
    Handicap speed: 41.6 kt [Beta]
    Completed one racetrack circuit</h3>

    • Hit Sky Soaring at 12:18:04
    • Hit Walpole at 12:31:59
    • Hit Funny Farm IL at 12:41:08
    • Hit Phyllis at 12:44:32
    • Hit Sky Soaring at 12:52:54

    <h3>Flight passed within 2.0 km of the following waypoints</h3>

    • 12:00:46 to 12:18:07 near: Sky Soaring
    • 12:31:58 to 12:35:21 near: Walpole
    • 12:41:08 to 12:42:48 near: Funny Farm IL
    • 12:44:30 to 12:46:17 near: Phyllis
    • 12:52:52 to 12:57:45 near: Sky Soaring

    <h3>Other Flight Info</h3>

    • Take off detected at 12:00:46 UTC
    • Off tow detected at 12:05:32 UTC
    • Take off pressure altitude is 885.8 ft raw
    • Altitude correction is 0.0 ft
    • Glider type: StdCirrus, handicap: 1.0 [Beta]
    • Glider ID: MERLIN2
    • Pilot: Steve Snyder
    • Flight date: 2022-06-21

    Done scoring PG Racetrack 3-13-22.igc

    Thank you for using the Proving Grounds scoring system