Reply To: Weekday operations

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Don GrilloDon Grillo

Springtime usually brings the best soaring weather. The ground is heating after the long cold winter and releasing lots of warmth which turns into strong thermal activity, which we experienced on Wednesday. As mentioned by Steve we had a number of members make some long and high flights.

Three members, Don, John D. and Geoff, in their personal gliders made a nice long x-country trip, first going southwest to Rochelle then north to Beloit, WI and finally back to Sky Soaring. Over 180+ kilometers with average speeds of over 70km per hour. Although, the longest and furthest x-county flight was from our friend at Chicago Glider Club, Herb Killian, with an impressive 420+ kilometer flight.

Friday, May 7, is looking like another decent soaring day. We’ll need a towpilot if one is available.
Please remember to use to reserve your time slot and glider.
