Reply To: Instructor & Tow Pilot Credits

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John LincolnJohn Lincoln

When I asked to join SSI I was told I would have to do three things for the club in order to be a member. I would have to pay my dues, and give of my time and expertise. I agreed to do all three. I thought every other member (regardless of financial ability) agreed to do the same. When I joined I didn’t know, or even suspect, there was a dues credit system. Obviously I was wrong.

If the tow pilots, instructors and pilots who give rides can have their dues reduced to zero then shouldn’t we not also reduce the dues for those who perform other valuable services? After all the tow pilots and instructors are useless if the runway isn’t mowed, gas isn’t purchased, planes aren’t maintained or insurance paid up. But there’s no talk of reducing those members dues.

The reduced dues credit is there to make sure that every member of this club has some financial “skin in the game” but still give some recognition of the special expertise that tow pilots, instructors and ride givers have by virtue of their advanced ratings.

My final observation is I believe there are a lot of members of this club who give their time, money and expertise but who don’t ask for or receive special recognition or consideration.

Sincerely, John Lincoln