Flight Review using WINGS

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    • #8048
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Are you coming up on your Flight Review?  For rated pilots, it is something you will need to do every 24 months.  A traditional flight review in gliders is conducted with a flight instructor and requires one hour of ground school and at least 3 flights in a glider with an instructor.  However, did you know that you can complete most if not all of your ground school through the WINGS program?

      All our club members should be registered in WINGS. If not, go to http://faasafety.gov and sign up.   Once signed up you will be able to watch webinars and training programs on your home computer or device.  Each program that you complete will give you Knowledge Credits. It requires at least 3 Knowledge Credits to complete your Flight Review ground school. Below are some sample topics that you can view for credit. Use the WINGS search feature to find the topics.

      Knowledge Points

      Once you complete your Knowledge portion you can schedule time with your favorite flight instructor to complete the flight portion of your flight review.  Below is a WINGS list of items that you will fly with your instructor. You may do all of them or just some of them depending on your skill level and instructor.  Remember, a flight review is just that, a review. It is not a test or exam.  If your instructor feels that he can not sign off your logbook because of your performance, he will work with you on the portion that needs improvement.   Below is a list of WINGS items that you should be ready for when you are ready to schedule your flight review.

      Flight Portion

      You will find a copy of the pictures above in our files section of our website. Here is a link to the file. You will need to be signed in to the website in order to download it.


      If you have questions about a flight review please feel free to contact any of the instructors in the club.



    • #8069
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      a great Program. i completed the Flight portion with cfig Steve S. last
      May….all items except ridge, wave techniques, of course. Was doing
      Wings for power SEL review prior to SSI.

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