Website Menu Changes

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  • Author
    • #7245
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Hello Sky Soaring members,

      I have made a change to the way the website menu works. Now, when you login to the website with your username and password you will only see Menu selections that are on the private side of the site. You will no longer see the general public menu items like,  Learning, Ad-On Rating, Glider Rides etc. This should clear up some of the clutter in the Menu when you are navigating through the site.  If you want to see the general public menu, you will need to logout of the site.

      Let me know your thoughts on this.  We can always go back to seeing the whole menu if you prefer.

      Don Grillo

    • #7252
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Another enhancement to the website has been completed. You will now find a link to the current and up to date Membership Roster on the Member Directory Page. The new roster has been updated to show the CFI-G’s and Tow Pilots along with the address and phone data. You can view it or download a PDF copy.  Remember, it is for club use only.

      Don Grillo

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