Reply To: Sunday June 9th Activity

Welcome to Sky Soaring Forums Restricted content Sunday June 9th Activity Reply To: Sunday June 9th Activity

Mark MallamoMark Mallamo

Hi All….Just a reminder that we still need urgent help in maintaining our field this season.   In the past, we relied on a couple of dedicated members to do the bulk of this work.  Those folks are no longer with us, so it is incumbent upon the rest of our club to step up.  Thursdays or Fridays would be great days to volunteer to cut the grass as to not interfere with weekend flight ops.  If you haven’t been checked out on the Hustler lawn mower, be sure to do that the next time you are at the field.  We also need people to run the push mower & weed trimmer around the hangar and glider tie down spots (may have to pull out the gliders in order to cut grass).

The success of of our club depends on the dedication of all of our members!