Yesterday was a productive and fun day at Sky Soaring. Gary Palumbo and members worked on repairing the flat tire on the Krosno. It has been inspected post-assembly and is ready to fly. Kees arrived later in the morning with our club’s new (old) SGS 1-34. Members helped assemble it and it was even test flown for several flights off the winch by Kees and CFI’s. In addition to various assembly & maintenance projects, we managed to do 23 flights with a safe combination of alternating aerotow & winch launches. Aaron Mazeika was our tow pilot for the day and Tim Ponsot and Art Silverman operated the winch. New member Petr got several winch launches, Logan Thomas did solo flights (winch & aerotow) and we had a few day member rides too. Thanks to Petr for supplying the avlube for our end-of-day debriefing. Those who hung around were treated to grilled jalapeno & beef sausage supplied by moi. All-in-all, it was a great day at the field.
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