Friday and Saturday

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    • #15000
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Looking ahead SkySight’s forecast for Friday and Saturday are fairly nice.

      Friday. Lift from 2.3 to 3.7 knots up to 5700 agl. Cus forecast with bases from 6,000 to 8,000 msl. Wind SW from 4 to 8 knots and the high temperature of 92 degrees.

      Saturday. Lift from 2.3 to 3.7 knots up to 5,900 agl. Cus forecast with bases from 6,000 to 8,000 msl. Wind 13 to 17 knots out of the SW. High Temperature of 92 degrees.

      I have a conflict on Saturday but I would like to fly on Friday if we can get an operation going. Do we have a tow pilot and wing runner available for Friday?

      And for sure we should have an operation on Saturday.

      Sunday also isn’t looking bad, just not as good as Fri. and Sat.

      John Lincoln

    • #15028
      Zack O'GradyZack O’Grady

      I’m planning to be at the field early Saturday. I’ll be busy Friday and Sunday unfortunately.

    • #15029
      Calvin ScottCalvin Scott

      Will any instructors be available Friday?  If so Calvin would like to get some training flights in if possible. Also what time will operations start? We can be available to help as needed.

      Tom Scott

    • #15030
      Rich WalendaRich Walenda

      Hello Calvin:

      When I was working on my glider add on I tried to stick with 2 instructors as my primary trainers but flew with other instructors if they were not available. Generally, we have ops on Saturdays and Sundays, and usually instructors are around. By sticking with a primary instructor you will develop a relationship with them and hopefully exchange phone numbers so that you can coordinate training days. During the week there are less members around to run an operation.

      Most likely there will be an operation tomorrow because Mr. Lincoln is setting one up. If he gets a tow pilot then he can fly his aircraft. If an instructor also appears then you can also fly. In past seasons we have used Book Our Plane to reserve a glider and to see who reserved the tow plane. The private gliders are not on Book Our Plane so if they intend to fly they will not be noticed on that site since only club gliders are listed. It is an easy system to see how much interest there is in flying – especially during the week (if the tow plane is booked there is an operation). At times we have glitches with the emails from the discussion board so messages might be delayed – depending only on emails to get an op going is about 75% successful.

      The club is all volunteer so everyone is not around at all times. We try our best to have the wing runner, ground safety officer, tow pilot and instructor roles filled for each operation. Certificated pilots do not need an instructor present at the field so there are times that there is an operation but its only certificated glider pilots flying. The other way to fly when an instructor is not present is to make friends with other members and fly with them in if they agree to it. Some members occasionally fly with each other. Just note that 2 pilots with student certificates are not allowed to fly together, one must be a certificated pilot (sport, private or commercial).

      If there is enough interest, as a ground instructor, I can set up a Saturday ground school at the field.

      THANKS to all of the members who tow, teach, and assist at flight ops and an equal THANKS to those that maintain the aircraft, mow the grass, perform other necessary duties at the hangar and to the board members who do all of the behind the scenes work to administratively run the club. It is a team effort to do everything!


    • #15033
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Still looking for a tow pilot and wing runner for Friday. Weather for Friday. Wind is forecast 6 to 9 knots out of the SSW. Cu’s at 6 to 8K, lift 2.5 to 3.7 knots. Let me know.

      I will be out even if no operation happens. I will mow and ????

      John Lincoln

    • #15081
      Zack O'GradyZack O’Grady

      I’ll be there on Saturday. Busy Friday and Sunday

    • #15083
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
      If you haven’t noticed Rich, those who have been towing this year have not been showing reserve for 72L on “Book Our Plane”.  That website is up, however.

    • #15086
      Greg TomczykGreg Tomczyk
      I’ll be out tomorrow also.
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