on Flag Day, any flying interest ?

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    • #14969
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke

      Hi, tomorrow’s US Flag Day Skew-T forecast looks promising, if winds are not wild. I know, not as accurate as sky sight

      It might be one of those spring season days when lift can be good,.. & reasonable temperature day.

      I’d like to take our 82H (1-26e), any of our tow pilots available & interested?

    • #14970
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      I’m interested in flying on Flag Day. SkySight shows lift starting around 10:30 at 3.3 knots and increasing to 4.1 knots at 1:30, and lasting until around 4:30. High temps forecast to be 81 degrees. Wind is forecast to be NNW at 8 to 10 knots until the lake breeze shows up and changes the direction to NE. Any other interest, tow pilots? John Lincoln

    • #14973
      Nicholas LegenzaNicholas Legenza

      Any other interest tomorrow? I can tow if we can get at least a few more people to sign up.
      Sent from my iPhone

    • #14974
      Daniel SpencerDaniel Spencer

      I’m interested in getting a few flights in tomorrow.

    • #14975

      I could come probably early afternoon if that works.  Can someone send a msg to the group on the day of if we are flying or not flying so everyone knows?

    • #14976
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      I will be out on Friday and can tow or ground crew.Don

      — Don
    • #14979
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      Looking at the 0700 SkySight convergence chart, it looks like we
      will have a rare occurrence of a convergence line running on a
      line that goes from Sky Soaring to Beloit.

      What does this mean to a glider pilot?  For you xcross country
      pilots, it means that you may have an opportunity to fly along
      that line and never have to thermal. Wouldn’t that be something!
      For our pilots that fly with LXnav and can load the weather into
      your device, be sure to load the convergence chart so you can
      navigate that line.

      Otherwise, Skysight is predicting good strong lift today with some
      cu’s. Winds will be around 10-12kts starting out from the
      northwest then shifting to the northeast throughout the afternoon.

      Happy Soaring and see you at the field!

      convergence chart

    • #14980
      Don GrilloDon Grillo


    • #14982
      Don GrilloDon Grillo


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