Good Soaring WX on Thursday May 23

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    • #14855
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Looking at the soaring weather report from for the next few days and tomorrow Thursday May 23 looks very nice for training and cross country flights.


      The prediction is for lift to 6,000AGL at 4kts, cumulus clouds, winds 220 at 4-7kts , 76 degrees.


      Lets make a day of it as the soaring weather beyond that is not as good.  I will be out around 10AM and hope others will too.


      – John DeRosa (OHM)

    • #14857
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      I’ll come out as well. I’ll use to schedule one of the club gliders. Can we get a tow pilot?


    • #14872
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      Thursday was indeed a very good day for soaring and cross-country trips.  Lift was very good between 7-8K MSL and I was able to get up to 9K once while Pet’r and Steffan cruised up to 9,600!


      -John (OHM)

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