Memorial Day Picnic

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    • #14823
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Sky Soaring is planning on having a Memorial Day Picnic on Monday May 27th. Start time always varies based on the weather but is usually between 1 and 3. We’ll have a special guest, Alison Matthews, Ed Stokes daughter, and her husband Roy with us at the picnic. While I didn’t meet Ed he sounds like he was a great guy, the quintessential Sky Soaring member. Alison may even bring some photos of Ed’s and her times at Sky Soaring.

      We’ll be looking for some members to bring items to share. Condiments, Chips, A Dish to Pass, Soda and Beer and the like. We’ll also need charcoal and a grill master!!! Don Grillo will bring the hamburgers, hot dogs and those wonderful brats like he has in the past. I will bring hamburger and hot dog buns, paper plates, plastic ware, napkins and plastic glasses.

      Please let me know if you can attend so I can let Don and others know what to plan for.

      I hope you all can make it out for a great time. John Lincoln


    • #14827
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa



      Many of our members will remember our favorite “Brit”, and soaring buddy, Ed Stokes who sadly passed away last year.  Those of us who were lucky enough to know Ed hold a special place in our hearts for him.  He was a past president of the club, a great friend to all with his trademark ready smile and easy manner.  He always gave words of encouragement to those new in the sport.  Ed began flying gliders back in the early 50’s while growing up in England.


      Earlier this year his family contacted Sky Soaring to schedule some time to come to the airport and make a “donation to the club” in Ed’s honor.   We invited the Stokes family to our Memorial Day picnic and they accepted.


      Please plan on attending to greet these nice people (not to mention we SSI members!).


      – John DeRosa

    • #14860
      John LincolnJohn Lincoln

      Hello again folks,

      Our Memorial Day Picnic is fast approaching. It will be on Monday, May 27th. Start time will probably be somewhere between noon and 2 pm as the soaring weather isn’t looking to promising. We could still use a member to bring chips (and dip?). Also please bring a dish to pass.

      A final request. Could you respond to this post if you plan to attend so we can get a very rough idea of how many might be coming.

      Please remember that Ed Stokes daughter and husband plan to attend to make a donation to the club and to share past memories he and they had with the club. I know I’m looking forward to meeting them and hearing what it was like during his time at SSI.

      In hopes of hearing from you soon,

      John Lincoln

    • #14862
      Don GrilloDon Grillo

      I will be attending.  Don

    • #14863
      Dennis BurkeDennis Burke
      Hi, sorry I cannot make the Monday annual MD picnic this year, will be out of area. Denny

    • #14864

      I will be there.

      Kees van de klippe
    • #14865
      John PhelanJohn Phelan


      I’ll be there and can bring chips and dips.  I also have a case of water in the car for the hangar.

      Best Regards,

      John F. Phelan

      From: SSI <>
      Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 09:25
      Subject: Reply To: Memorial Day Picnic; By John Lincoln, [Sky Soaring]

    • #14867
      Petr FolwarcznyPetr Folwarczny

      I’m be there as well. Petr

      Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
    • #14868
      Greg TomczykGreg Tomczyk
      I will bring macaroni salad.
    • #14869
      John DeRosaJohn DeRosa

      I will be there

      Regards, John DeRosa
      West Dundee, IL

    • #14871
      John ScottJohn Scott

      Regrets,Must attend Memorial Day Parade and events at American Legion.If you get the chance, memorialize deceased Veterans and MIA’s from the Vietnam war by viewing, “The Wall That Heals”, at Randall Oaks Park in West Dundee. It is a traveling smaller replica of the Vietnam Wall in Washington D.C. with a museum.

      Open to the public around the clock until Sunday. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      John M. Scott
    • #14877
      Stefan SevilleStefan Seville

      I will be there, let me know if there are any last minute supply or food needs I can acquire on the way over.

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