March 2024 Mebership Meeting Notes

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    • #14680
      Art SilvermanArt Silverman


      Fleet upgrade.  We are looking to replace the Krosno due to lakc of spare parts.  We cannot afford an ASK-21, nor a Grob 103.

      We are considering buying a refurbished L-13 (Approx. $45,000.00) or a used L-23.

      Due to a lack of use we are selling the 1-26C.

      Rich Walender suggested that we untie it in the morning and brint it to the staging area.  He noticed last year, that after he untied it, and used it, other pilots flew it.  He believes it will be used more often if it is readily available to fly.

      If any member wants to buy it for $8500 call Don.  Otherwise, we will list it for sale on Wings and Wheels.

      Also, due to the lack of use, we are considering selling the 1-34r.

      The balloon trailer is free to anyone who wants to remove it from our field

      Existing Jr. members pay $250 this year and $350 next year.  All new jr. members pay $495 per year.


      Flight Chair:

      Monthly instructor group meeting will start after the winter break.

      Our yearly spring safety meeting will be held on Saturday April 20 at our hanger.  Don will ask Ron Ridnouer to speak.

      Black Forest Soaring Society has posted cross country courses which anyone can watch.



      2023 tax filling is being prepared.  K-1 have been sent out.

      Last month we had a net increase in income.

      We are accepting Zell payments for all payments.  If you use it to pay for flights, you need indicate this on the pay envelope and due so the same day you fly.


      The new grass on the runway is starting to fill in, but it is not ready for use.  We will use the are north of the “new grass” for takeoffs and landings for the next month.  We should not run any equipment over the new grass.  We may need to reseed it this year.

      We are having problem installing the new tie downs.  There seems to be a rock layer that we cannot penetrate.  John Lincoln has a Cat we use to bore the holes.  Hence, we have to wait until he returns from Florida to restart the new tie downs.

      We have tie downs for the Krosno and the 2-33s.  The Krosno was assembled after the meeting and is tied down.

      Private ships will use last year’s tie downs until the new ones are installed.

      The welding work is completed on Stars and Stripes.  The tow hook was installed on Saturday.  Gary needs to install an inspection plate before we use the glider.


      I am going to start a program to encourage our pilots to fly away from our airport.  We have a system called proving grounds in the office.  Rather than use it to encourage racing gliders, I intend to use it to encourage everyone to fly predetermined courses.  Proving grounds has three courses.  A shorter course, and mid-level course and a longer course.  Our cross-country pilots will fly/teach/instruct the short course with pilots who want to start flying longer distances.

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